
...please do your jobs and do something about the crap on this board. Not taking sides, but all this $hit from ChazJazz et all has nothing to do with the movie. You people want to share your opinions on politics, etc, find a Facebook page or something. Imdb message boards are for people to discuss movies. SMDH - nobody duckin' cares.



Since this is about a historical event, this movie reaches out to many people on all sides of it: Muslims, soldiers, politicians, anarchists, Marxists, snipers, gun nuts, wives and the enemy.

This board draws in the comments of the enemy. Keep the free speech so that truth and lies can be revealed


What you have stated has merit... to a point.

People like Chazzjaz however are not simply speaking from the other side, providing the opposite point of view.

People like him are literally internet trolls in every sense of the word. His express purpose in posting is not to post the opposite and unpopular view. His deliberate goal is to piss people off, and make the board a trashy place that people cannot enjoy.

That is crossing the line and needs to be removed.

I enjoyed this film, and as a Naval Military Veteran, have a lot of interest in the subjects even those that come up not directly relating to the events in the film. But I rarely post here because of all the fraking crap the trolls constantly sh!t all over the board.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


A WW2 movie will surely draw in personal stories and opinions of politics and military life.


WWII draws in the lunatic conspirators of 6 million fake deaths.....

Yet we see concentration camps in palestine today.


Right or wrong, the more eyes you have on a problem the more answers you will have, they may not be the right answers but they will be answers from a different point of view.


they may not be the right answers but they will be answers from a different point of view

Chazzjazz and those like him are trolls.

They are not providing opposing points of view, right or wrong. They are posting deliberately inflammatory crap for the sole purpose of making other people's experiences on the boards to be a not enjoyable one. Their sole purpose is to upset others, piss them off, make them angry.
They are cyber bullies.

Honestly, I don't even think Chazzjazz even believes half the crap he posts. He just knows doing so will upset others.

I don't want an echo chamber with only opinions I agree with.
I would love to have an honest debate against those with an opposing view.
But what the OP is complaining about does not qualify as such.
They need to be gotten rid of.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


whats the political correctness BS? where s me freedom of speech?


Chazzjazz and those like him are trolls.

I checked out some of his posts.
He isn't trolling.
He is sharing his truths.

You think or call CJ a troll just because you disagree with his ideas and viewpoints.


He is sharing his truths.

There is only one truth.

It is an impossibility for two opposing things to be equally true., if one is true, then the other naturally must be false.

But of course your comment is exactly the sort I would expect from an asshat that claims he would use the American Flag as toilet paper.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


But of course your comment is exactly the sort I would expect from an asshat that claims he would use the American Flag as toilet paper.

Truth is a state of the mind :P AN interpretation of reality.

Truth is that colored cloths are only good for wiping one's ass


Some of you are missing the point. ChazJazz is allowed to say whatever the hell (s)he wants, but to plaster it all over the American Sniper message board? That's just trolling. There are a lot of other places where people can share their thoughts about the world. When it's done on a movie message board, then it just feels like someone trying to be a butthole.


Just flag the spamming and then use the "Ignore User" function.


That's exactly what I did after reading a few comments CJ made that had nothing to do with the movie! Then there's just the mere quantity of his "opinions". Nonsense just like the trolls on Youtube, I blocked him immediately.
Otherwise, there were many good, thought-out points of view presented.
