Real story of Anon

Here's the condensed version up to the present:

SomethingAwful + 4chan + various chan /i/nvasion boards do a bunch of crowd sourcing to crapflood, troll and wreak havok on ipod suicide memorial pages

A bunch more lulz ensue (Habbo Hotel, Chat Roulette, Tom Green, lol Oprah lol) Jake Brahms breaks rule of never messing with football

Ft. LongCat in SecondLife, also flying penises

Then some scil0ns tried to censor the internet and the internet hate machine proceeds with said crapflooding of scilons

Scilons panic and media is interested

Exploding Vans lol

Some moralfags jump in and start IRL protesting scil0ns, everybody is like wtf u doin

Moralfags exponentially increase and become ever more annoyingly moral.

Various hackers busy rooting gov servers grep apache logs and go OOPS this stolen shell proxy chain I used is compromised, who can I blame this on? Write a pastebin about it declaring Legion, because it helps to deflect the blame and confuse said feds who can't trace their own hand on a piece of paper let alone find anybody

The pastebins spawn 1990s style 'hacktivist' groups aplenty like LulzSec media whores because internets security is stuck in the 20th century thanks to whitehats and corporate engineers while black/grey/nohats live in the 21st century

Said groups all get informed on by Snitchbu (which everybody should have seen coming, he changed his twitpic to the Islamic Black Standard flag and started calling for terrablists to wipe out America, pretty obvious he was trolling for e-terrorist recruits to hand over to the feds)

Mainly Eurofags and Arabs jump on the Anon bandwagon and carry the banner

Welcome to present Anonymous

Anyways, that's how I became the fresh prince of bel-air


Well, all I can say is you are just about as misinformed as you could possibly be. From your post it is clear that you have NO CLUE as to what Anonymous is.



That's exactly what 'Anonymous' is, I should know because I was there since day 1
Let me guess you're some newfag moralfag who thinks Anonymous is this great movement and you have your mask ready to go protest THE MAN.



I knew ive seen your nick before, walking dead boards. the world is small indeed.
Also, sucesful troll is sucesful.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
