Where can I see this movie?

Is there a list of showings anywhere? Is it streaming? or a BT download? Sorry I couldn't attend the only showing I have heard of at SXSW.


According to the documentary imdb's "Release Dates" the following were the first known opportunities so far..

USA 20 January 2012 (Slamdance Film Festival)
USA 11 March 2012 (South by Southwest Film Festival)
Canada 1 May 2012 (Hot Docs International Documentary Festival)
Poland 19 May 2012 (Planete+ Doc Film Festival)

Good luck Ari, and to the rest of us potential viewers also.



Ok, let's just think for a second: what would Anonymous do?





Except movreel is paid and probably a scam. If I want to pay, I'll pay for the real thing (cinema ticket or dvd). Oh, and btw, I never got virus from torrents - that's why there's a rating system and comments. Of course, I'm sure you knew that and you're just spamming AND scamming.


I just googled The Pirate Bay. Looks pretty awesome. Thanks for giving them a plug!


Please stop being stupid.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


You can DL it from most torrent sites.



Here is what you do:

1.Get yourself on a VPN and make sure it is not located in USA and make sure it does not ever keep Logs

2.Setup a Firewall so if your VPN drops your Connection dies as well and the only way you can Connect is thru the VPN

3.Use Well Reviewed Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Software

4.Download movie or whatever from TPB, Etc.

5.Use VLC Media Player

Boycott all MAFIAA Products
Buy And Support Indie and Local Art
Censor Hollywood from your Wallets Now !!!

That is what you do...............OK so do it.

