
So why doesn't the movie tell about how Germany was looted blind at the end of WW2? Band of Brothers eludes to it a bit when they show American soldiers taking what ever they wanted and shipping it home at the Army Post Office. There are no good guys in war, just that the victors write the history books


Because they were the bad guys.


That depends on your point of view.


At that moment I believe Germany had lost any right to claim whatever. The fact that nowadays on these boards people make statements like "the victors make the history", "Germnay was only trying to act their believes", "The Germans were trying to preserve the art rather than destroy it" only shows how depraved the people are that share these believes.


They were trying to take over all of Europe (and with the help of Japan, the rest of the world), as well as killing anyone in the way or that they deemed "inferior." As far as the looting, apparently the Russians wanted reparations for their very substantial losses. Also, the soldiers who had risked their lives and lost friends probably thought grabbing a few souvenirs was not too much to ask.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam



Really? What's yours?


Operation Paperclip. Google it. Biggest heist was not committed by Germany, but by the Allies after WW2.

btw, another misrepresentation in the movie is that it gives the impression that all the art they found in the mines and castles were stolen by the Nazis. In reality Germany had her own program to protect the art and the museums themselves made sure that the art was transported into safe locations like mines and private homes for preservation, to protect it from bombardment. Obviously the conditions in a salt mine are favorable for art . None of it was stolen by Nazis and the German museum people knew exactly where it was and would have recuperated it after the war and put it back in the museums.


Somebody ought to do a film on that. I'd watch it.


Correct sir.


Well, no. Did you miss the part where they were speaking of the museum that Hitler was creating to house the pieces he loved? That would not be a museum like the Met or the Louvre where people can go and see and appreciate. It was to be his private collection.

The articles owned by Jewish people were taken because they created laws saying it was illegal for art to be owned by them. Do you really believe these items were going to be returned after the war? They wanted no Jewish to be still alive after the war, remember?

Yes, the art found in the mines and the castle was stolen by the Nazis. That's how it got there. The items we saw, like the panels from the church, were confiscated by the Nazis and did not make it to their orignal destination. Nothing recovered here in this movie was put there by private citizens. It, in no way was a German plan to preserve and protect. It was Hitler's personal, selfish and greedy plan.


Thank You ,its so easy to read and research evidence but only few choose to do it !


Hahahahahahahaha ---- Pretty sure the people "Looted" were given an option to go or stay and face the consequences of their work with Germany


For an anti-Semitic, neo-nazi, I guess you are right,.


Well, some people have a really ignorant point of view. I fear for the world after reading this discussion(and others). Germany and Japan started the war and were committing very evil acts. They were brutally taking over countries and trying to extinguish an entire race. The American and the British were trying to stop that. Should they just have let the Germans take over the entire World? Kill who they thought was inferior? The handicapped, the Jews and eventually the Blacks? How could anyone think that Japan and Germany were not the "bad" guys?

At the same time, I do not think that anyone but the people who did these horrible acts are responsible for them. To hate all Germans now is racist and irrational.

“From all this we may learn that there are two races of men in this world, but only these two — the “race” of the decent man and the “race” of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society. No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people.”

― Victor Frankel
Holocaust Survivor




and beliefs (not believes).


Oh please for everything Germany did in TWO world wars they're lucky their still is a Germany. I'm sure wiping it off the map came up in a few discussions back then.


Yet noone ever could.


Yes, there are good guys in war. Who have you been listening to?


So Our great ally Joseph Stalin who invaded 5 countries and killed 27 million people by his successor's admission (Nikita Krushev)in WW2 were the good guys? Got it


No, at the beginning of the war, Stalin and Russia were allied with Germany. Germany betrayed Russia, so the enemy of Germany became our ally (the enemy of my enemy), but make no mistake- the Russians were the bad guys too.


Russia was not the Ally of Germany - thy signed a 'non agression pact' which is different.

Yes, they both used this to carve up Poland and it was only delaying the inevitable wat between the two.


How many countries did the US invade after WW2?


This movie wasn't about that.

"Hitler! C'mon, I'll buy you a glass of lemonade."



They started a war in the first place and tried to kill off an entire people. What Germans "suffered" is more than fair to me; they should be grateful they didn't receive a harsher punishment.



The US army actually dealt with looting harshly. Soldiers were certainly tried and prosecuted if they were caught looting. But on the other hand if you have a huge army with millions of soldiers in the chaotic ruins of 1945 Europe, someone is always going to slip through the cracks and get away.

The behavior of the western Allies (the Americans and the British) towards the conquered Germans and other Axis countries was astonishingly magnanimous. Compare this to the Soviets, who wreaked havoc on not only the Germans but pretty much all the countries between Germany and the Soviet Union, including the relatively innocent Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania.


including the relatively innocent Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania.



So funny reading americans talking about bad guys.

I thought this "we are the heroes of the world", "we are the ultra-super-duper good guys" was kept back there in the 40s/50s with all the propaganda movies.

But this movie here could easily have been made in those days. More propaganda than Sergeant York or similars.
