MovieChat Forums > The Monuments Men (2014) Discussion > Did anyone get the message?

Did anyone get the message?

I've read many of the comments but I've yet to see anyone speak about the message of this film. I've read alot of ranting about war and "another WWII movie" blah, blah but I haven't seen where anyone commented on the message of the movie which is the need to preserve, protect and promote art. Hollywood is the largest contributing collective to the efforts to preserve art and music education in American schools and this film was an 118minute paean to the importance of art. I was happy to see it but surprised that so many missed the message.

Were there comments about it that I just haven't read yet?



You are correct that the Allies destroyed architecture. I think the movie made it clear that when the monuments men, representing the US Army, approached some US Army commanders, that those commanders were not willing to refrain from bombing some areas as part of the fight, even though monuments such as churches might be damaged. It becomes a difficult balancing act of priorities - saving men versus saving monuments.

Similarly neither would all Germans support Hitler's order to torch the art after his death.

I think there were mixed priorities and conflicting actions within each faction.


Sure, just like they protected the Jews! Are you kidding me? Guess you consider the Swastika 卐 art!

Absolute truth is an objective reality that exists independent of what anyone thinks


Nazis liked art too, and if the Nazis won the war, the world would have had the best and biggest Art museam all in one place in Berlin.

Nazi's where collecting art from all over the place.

So the Idea that the big Yanks came in and rescued art from the Nazis is rubbish.

They only wanted the Art because the nazis had it.


also: always trust the man with the cool sunglasses. 

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


At some point --- Churchill was asked to take money from the arts and give it to the Army
His response was
What are we fighting for then

The Only culture any country has is the ART they leave behind -- Painting, Sculpting, Writing, Music, Movies etc etc
