MovieChat Forums > Baby Daddy (2012) Discussion > Having children out of wedlock is no jok...

Having children out of wedlock is no joke

Children born out of wedlock are more likely to live in poverty, struggle with substance abuse, and be incarcerated. This show is ridiculous and sends a dangerous message.

I don't approve.


Get off your moral high horse. Seriously most kids nowadays are born or were at least conceived out of wedlock.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


I hear what your saying but its just a tv show. The show i dont agree with being on air is Mtv 16 and pregnant obvi those are real girls not actors.


It certainly is not. Although "Baby Daddy" is a comedy, it has elements and themes drawn from the world around us. Having a child in general is never a joke. Raising a child in general is never a joke.

If we look at one of the sneak peaks available of the 19th episode set to air next Wednesday, based on Danny, Ben and Tucker's collective and respective reactions, the realization that someone could potentially have a baby on the way is profound.

Danny was having a panic attack in that scene.
Bonnie, Danny, Riley and Tucker have been helping Ben to raise Emma. None of them take it lightly and really love that little girl. Emma's Uncle Danny may really, really outwardly show how much a possible baby on the way can be life changing. Everyone in that village and family stepped up to the task and embraced raising Emma despite any understandable fears, concerns, disappointments, uncertainty shock and what we else since they first laid eyes on her. They would all undoubtedly embrace another baby if one is horizon.

Baby Daddy illustrates that raising a baby can be a shock, it can be fulfilling, it can be scary, it can be very rewarding, it is about another person, it is about trying to do the best for the baby at each juncture of their lives. Sometimes a baby can come along when a bambino may not be readily expected at the forefront of someone's mind. Baby Daddy shows what what this village/family of Ben, Danny, Riley, Tucker and Bonnie have done since they opted to embrace the little baby on the doorstep and folded her into their lives. Granted they have all had mishaps all the way and likely will have more but they love Emma and she loves them.


Well, it is what it is. Accidents do happen, believe me. Thankfully we can get abortions.
I have no idea what I would do in Ben's 'giftbasket at the door' situation.

But the premise is cute for a storyline, single male parenting with group support, much like 3 Men and A Baby, and Full House. The twins they use for their Current Emma, reminds me of Michelle now that she's talking. Looking fwd to season 6.


Get off your high horse, its not 1950 anymore. Correlation is not causation. Meaning that the type of parent that raises an impoverish, law breaking, drug abusing, alcoholic, are more often the type that's irresponsible and have babies in unstable relationships. Gangs don't recruit kids with parents that aren't married, they target kids without positive role models. Kids don't try drugs because they only see their fathers on the weekends, they try them because they're floating around in the community and addiction is either normalized or not talked about enough for them to say no. And in this day and age, who bothers to run a potential employee's date of birth against their parent's marriage license?


can you please link to any statistics that back up your religious point?


Damn right, the filthy sinners!
