God damnit they got me!

Those tricky bastards got me this time.

I saw this film at the store dirt cheap and got a little suspicious. But sometimes new films are very cheap so I didn't think that much about it and bought it.
Got home, put it in the DVD player a couple days later, pressed Play and sank down on the couch.

"The Asylum"
No! No way! No!

"Mario Van Peebles"

Oh and in Sweden it's named "American (In small letters.) Battleship (In very big letters.)" so you figure out what I thought I bought.

I told a friend at work that I had bought this and he wanted to borrow it. This was before I found out what film it really is. I'm very tempted to say nothing and lend him the film tomorrow. Though that might be a bit too evil.

""Can you sex the skeleton yet?"


Well, don't feel too bad. They got me, too, in much the same way.


I feel for you.

Happily for me it was on television, so i only had to endure 30 mins or so before i switched it over.



Funny... because some time ago, they caught me too.

I thought I was getting 2012, and instead I got 2012: Supernova.........

that film is where I learned all about The Asylum.....


Don't be too disappointed JT, the "real" Battleship sucked too!
