This film is terrible!!!!

How do people make such bad movies?? Did they actually expect this would ever make it to the theatre?? I don't get how these kinds of low quality movies even get made, you'd think the writing would be on the wall right from day one. And, how do they get investors to put money into these films??

This film has some hot women and the occasional ok acting, but beyond that it's horrible.

Update! I just read an interview with the director, the film was made with a tiny budget, no rehersal time, corners cut every which way and they're being sued. OK, that all does make some sense in terms of the final product.


so sassy...


funny enough there is actually a market for it [these kind of movies], i enjoyed it, it actually had better acting than battleship and the only differences between these 2 movies was budget american warship had none where as battleship had plenty, and cgi,i enjoyed both.


Acting? Acting??? You found any sort of ACTING in it?!!! LOL.

It has one hot redhead. Beyond that, there is NOTHING to recommend this steaming pile of ****.


If you are not in the movie industry you are not qualified to judge the acting. The lead actor has been in many, many movies. He is just older now. Do a little research. This movie was made by The Asylum. All their movies are low budget and knock offs of other movies that had big budgets. That is what they do so if there is a lawsuit, I'm not surprised. It isn't that bad a movie. I believe most that review here haven't seen a really bad movie. I have, a number of them. I'm a senior and love watching movies and I have seen some really bad ones and it usually isn't the actors and not always the script but the amount of money they have to film it. Don't get caught up in the cliche idea because many movies have people speaking for the time period they are from and the area. Not this one in particular and their are only so many ways you can make a story go. I know, I write.


Have you had a CAT scan lately? Anyone giving this unmitigated piece of garbage more than 1 star should not be posting (takes time away from watching Honey BooBoo, I'm sure.) What a tool.


I just saw it yesterday on a 4 hour bus trip in China! Could barely hear it, but as soon as I saw the fake not-special effects, I went back to napping. I'd glance up everytime I'd wake up. It was the worst of 3 movies they played. The first was one I'd seen 1 and a half times before that was a silly Hong Kong/Macau Chow Yun Fat comedy action movie, The Man From Macau. It had real special effects, hot chicks, lots of action mixed with corny but sometimes funny scenes. The last one was another I'd caught on the bus before, G.I. Joe. Good special effects with Rock and Jonathan Price, but as cheesy as Expendables 3. I'm sure they all are, but 3 is the one I got stuck with on last month's bus trip! Can not for the life of me figure out how/why Harrison Ford and Antonio Banderas would be in corny crap like that. Gibson and Willis play in anything, sometimes good, other times this kind of junk. Swartzenegger was such a joke with that big log in his mouth.

Under our clothes, we are all naked!


Yeah. . .

How did Carl Weathers and Mario Van Peebles---both accomplished actors---end up in this pitiful fare?
