MovieChat Forums > St. Vincent (2014) Discussion > Anyone else think this has a Wes Anderso...

Anyone else think this has a Wes Anderson feel?



Isn't Wes Anderson a bit more quirky? This movie was pretty straightforward. Wes Anderson would have surely used most of this cast, they were perfect.

Maybe he would have had Frances Mcdormand play the mom as a real grouch? I loved this toned down Melissa McCarthy.


Just read this comment and had to laugh. I just finished watching it (for 3rd time in 3 days!) and happened to then switch to a recording of "The Royal Tenenbaums".

Though there are certainly some similarities in overall type of character development in "St. Vincent" vs Wes Anderson's storytelling, "St. Vincent" is much more emotionally charged than the very quirky films of Anderson. I like/love many of Anderson's films, but this film tugs at the heart strings in a way
Anderson's zany characters don't -- at least, for me (and my hubby).
LOVED IT and will always give it a placeholder high up on my "favorites" list. Bill Murray -- truly 'one of a kind"!!!!
So much himself in his myriad performances -- in
so many ways. Thank you, Universe, for letting him be here doing what he does while I'm alive to experience it. Can't lose with him . . . He's simply the best and delivers wonderfully unusual character performances while grabbing at least a corner of your heart every time! WOW . . .!


Not at all
There are really no Wes Andersen type of shots at all in the movie. This is standard Pov. Except for the ending; that is Murray's Homage



No, and to me it's not even close. You're the second recent poster here who seems to imply Anderson is the only director to make comedies with quirky characters. Anderson has a very distinct style. If you really think this is like a Wes Anderson film, then you probably need to see a lot more films.

If it blows up in my face ... see you on the other side


Wow, tay-15....get up on the wrong side of the bed? It was just a question.


Lots of filmmakers imitate Wes Anderson, most badly, as was the case with St Vincent.
