MovieChat Forums > Tracks (2014) Discussion > Just watched the trailer and this is tot...

Just watched the trailer and this is totally unbelievable!

No *beep* hat? Really? No way.

The Survivor Funny 115:


I actually read the book - at times she wore a hat, at times she didn't - there were different things going on, including different "states-of-mind". Also the clothing she wears in the film are recreations of the clothing worn by Robyn Davidson back in the 70's, at the time of her trek - based on a whole book of photos taken by Rick Smolan (played by Adam Driver in the movie).


That's the trouble with films based on real people doing real things - sometimes it is unbelievable. Whereas fiction has to stay within the bounds of what the average viewer will consider to be reasonable.


If that is your biggest problem with the film I would suggest not seeing it.


When the movie 'Australia' came out, I was appalled at the over analysis of every second of the movie, mainly from overseas viewers in the US (predominantly) trying to make something out of nothing. Here's another case where someone like you Doug thinks it matters to a viewer that she's not wearing a hat. I mean, come on!!! I live in SA where some of it was filmed. It's hot a lot of the time, glaringly hot in fact in the height of summer, but I don't go out with a hat. It depends on your mood. Those sorts of things shouldn't be a concern when you are looking at a film like that. As a film maker, you are only filming parts of a day or night - not 24 hours a day for 6 months, or whatever the timeframe was. I'm sure she would have put it on and taken it off many times during the course of the day and the camera just picked up some of those times when she didn't have it on.


It hs taken me a long while to get over being even obliquely accused of being an American. Or like an American. That wound was deep and you should be ashamed for being so prejudiced.

The Survivor Funny 115:


It would be best if you read things properly before blasting the messenger. I never said for one minute you are an American. Read it again.


lol Did I really sound that serious?

The Survivor Funny 115:


I could not agree less.
My wife and I said on several occasions while watching the movie that we thought it ridiculous that she wasn't wearing a hat of any sort.
And we live in WA - where a lot of this movie was set.
Now, as a kid in the seventies we weren't as sun-smart as we are now, but on a camel trek through the bush I can't imagine even back then that she wouldn't have worn a hat.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


Read "Tracks" the book - as in the film, sometimes she wore a hat, but a good portion of the time she didn't, and for a while she went totally naked. This is how it was shown in the film, and as I said, it reflects the book. Many people thought the whole idea of the journey was "ridiculous" and that Robyn must be crazy to try it, but she did it, and the way she wanted to do it, though some may consider it unconventional. There's so much to be taken from the film, but some will choose to focus on external details (like a hat) that they can't accept, even if they are accurate re the actual event.


Great, and she was being cruel to animals and did a dog in as well! Never mind.

She was portrayed as badly sunburned at one point though


If you mean that she put a poisoned dog out of its misery then yes, she 'did a dog in'. If you think that was cruel I think you need to care for a dog while it dies from poisoning.
Not entirely sure how you think she was cruel to other animals - I assume you mean the camels.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


Boy, you've really got a bee in your bonnet about the animals. I won't go on about it as I've explained to you in other posts how wrong you are.


she was being cruel to animals and did a dog in as well

Where the hell does it portray her being cruel to her camels?? You mean she took then for a journey through country they were superbly adapted to, at what most Bedouin would regard as very easy mileage. And as for "did a dog in", you are aware that the dog ate strychnine and was dying (slowly) in agony? I would give a quick death to any animal dying in that way let alone a dog I loved.

I must admit I am getting very weary of your one-note posts on this movie.


Agreed. The girl was a goddam fool and is lucky to have survived at all. People should not be inspired by this weak minded, idiotic and totally unhealthy BS. How many people die of melanoma every year? Thousands.

Maybe the sequel should be about a girl who stares at an eclipse until she goes blind. Wouldn't that be inspiring and spiritual.

