User Testimonial

I watched this movie with my cat. There are a few elements not suitable for felines. Burning tires, blackmail, an insult directed at a karate instructor who is never present to defend himself, and I just don't think that Marilyn Manson is a good role model for pets. Overall, me and Mr. Frodo made it through ok. I liked it. Most importantly, my cat liked it. So take his recommendation, and see this film. You should always trust someone who loves to cuddle.


My animals cuddled me too but Rosie was very aggressive and jealous of the cats. Rosie is a dog.


Use more drugs.


You may have a point. My cat loves marilyn manson. My cat has also recently developed a bad attitude towards authority figures, bites me sometimes for no reason, and humps anything that stays still long enough. Could be connected.


. . .bites me sometimes for no reason, and humps anything that stays still long enough.

Really??? I buy my cat dinner every night, cuddle just right, and snuggle so tight. . . little prude still won't give it up. What's your secret? Butt wasps?
