Favorite Scene?

A sequel, if you will, to my post "Favorite Song?"

The title is pretty self explanatory... what was your fav scene?

I think mine was the 'rap battle' with Bling and Cyrus. It was pretty epic, if I do say so myself. lol

I really liked the part where Roxie slapped Cyrus.. is that weird? I don't even know why I really liked that, it was just kind of unexpected, IMO. haha

I also liked the last part, in church, w. Let It Shine.

Maddie: London, sit down!
London: In this dress? I don't think so!


The battles were my fave scenes.

Unfavorite scenex? Roxy telling her manager no to the clothing and stuff. Really, what up n' coming music star will blow off such suggestions in terms of wanting/getting fame?

Anyways, the freestyles scenes were my favorite. I thought Tyler and Brandon did a fabulous job.


That scene with Roxy and her manager was deep. It's a slap to today's entertainment industry's face. You see Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj putting on these corny, fake gimmicks all the time. Lady Gaga wore that meat dress as a desperate attempt at getting attention. They're not even themselves. A lot of artists are essentially robots obeying everything their managers tell them to do.


I loved the rap battles, all of them were tight and impressive!

Also loved the choir songs in the beginning and end, super uplifting and fun.

I also liked the love story between cyrus and roxanne, when the limo came back was a cute, touching scene, made me think of my dream-girl :)


The opening choir song was my favorite.
