Meth is not PCP

Don't they do research on the drug of choice? These buffoons act like lunatics as if high on PCP. Yet the trafficked drug in the film is meth. I was taken out of the movie every time they depicted the high of the drug as it reminded me of "Reefer Madness".


tweekers act crazy. maybe the *beep* you were doing wasn't as good as the stuff being portrayed in the movie. People stay up for days on that stuff and its crazy to watch a tweeker flip out. The drip kept him high since it was the cops first time and that north korean meth they have in china is crazy pure so his heart was beating like jack rabbit.


And you forgot that it's a movie?


I have to agree, the research here when it came to the druguse was utter *beep* The captain did two lines, falls down to the floor and starts talking about bugs under his skin. They give him some wather and a cold bath and his ok, he would crawl up the walls for the next 12 hours.


Keep in mind that it's pretty rare for a film produced for mainland China to show drug abuse at all. They may well have amped up the negative effects to make it easier to get past the censors, on the grounds that it's "anti-drug."

Angel to some, demon to others.



There really is some reefer madness in this film. For example why would you put somebody who has had too much meth into a cold bath?
You would make the vasoconstriction worse with the cold water than it allready is, a warm bath would probably be better.

Or rush him to the hospital get some benzos and hes good as new


I do not know the accuracy of your point, but it is a good one as I often hate it when movies get the portray of the high wrong. I once wanted to make a list of those that got it right. For instance, In the movie Training Day, the scene where Denzel tricks Ethan Hawkes' character into smoking pot laced with PCP, I found the blurred vision and saturation of the scene to be reminiscent of a powerful weed. Other movies such as Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream were well done but in those I had no reference point. Just knowing the difference between downer and uppers seams to matter most when watching these type depictions of highs and lows.

Making A Living Seeing
