How gruesome does it get?

I got to the episode where he sawed off the girl's legs and while it was certainly played for black comedy, the ick factor was still almost too much for me. (I'm kind of squeamish around graphic hospital scenes; I like the concept and the acting in the show otherwise.) Does it get worse?


If you got through that and the tooth extraction, you'll be fine.



I need to close my eyes at times as well, but it's too brilliant and funny to miss!


I dunno, the tracheotomy scene was really bloody (S1E3). But, it still doesn't seem excessive. Bit much for me, but that's why i'm not in the medical field. lol


It's disgusting. Each episode has had at least one scene that made me literally nauseated.

But worse? Nah, I think it stays at about the same level, so far.

Those were the simple days; Macy Gray was a billboard and people wore pants.


Yeah, the leg is the worst scene. It's a brilliant show, worth steeling yourself for the gruesome parts.


The tooth/leg/throat bits were the parts that made me uncomfortable, but then again I had harm OCD when I was younger. I just covered part of the screen with my hand in the air. I think for most people it wouldn't be too bad. It's for the lols, after all.


Definitely don't watch London Hospital then..really good drama , revolving around true storeis from the turn of tue century in the poor London Hosoital of the same name..makes you shiver with what people had to go thru and how sick to death people got early on without anti-biotics etc,..scary as to how things were done not that long ago.


That's the worst of it really.
