Holy Sh*t Canada

You really made a 2 part movie about the life of Don Cherry? LOL


Along with Celine Dion, Don Cherry embarrasses me to be Canadian.


Your parents are embarrassed that you call yourself Canadian.

RIP 24 2001-2010
RIP LOST 2004-2010
RIP Maj Richard D.Winters 1918-2011


What embarrasses you? That they don't have the same values and viewpoints? They are popular because others find them interesting and/or appreciate their talent. Would you prefer we lived in a country where we are told to think and what to say, where no one has a differing opinion?

While I don't agree with everything he says he does have valid points about hockey and how it is played. Just because he is not politically correct people get upset. I find it refreshing that he isn't bland and boring like a lot of the other politically correct cardboard cutouts on our airwaves.


This is actually the second movie they have made of Don Cherry, the first one last year was 2 parts as well so far it's 4 parts and 8 hours total....


What does everyone have against Don Cherry? Personally I love the guy. I love the way he speaks his mind. He is not afraid to tell it like it is. Don makes me proud to be Canadian.


Most people I know who know what Don Cherry is like (many people don't care one way or the other about Don Cherry), but anyway, we all sort of consider him to be this old grandpa who you don't want to talk to but sort of have to tolerate because he's not in touch with society or technology, and it's not really his fault that people keep asking him to make speeches.

When in doubt, build a robot.


I don't agree with his politics, but he's always been entertaining (and that's really what he was paid for).

The story itself is also a fun watch. Just listening to the actor mimic Cherry's verbal style is enough to keep you laughing.

Don't like it? Don't watch.

Canadians have really appreciated Don Cherry, and compared to a few American loudmouths of late he's practically a teddy bear. While he's only misinformed and misguided they are malicious, malevolent, and shameless.


This is an embarrassment.


Ever hear of a run-on sentence? You should try punctuation when you attempt to criticize others.



Because when it aired on CBC it was a 2 part TV movie. It was the second movie about Don Cherry, the first of which was also a 2 part TV movie.




youtube has it in it's entirety.

If you're wondering where they were split up;

the first half of the first movie ended when he is about to start coaching

the first half of the second movie ends when Dave Hodge leaves CBC. The last scene is Don and Rose sitting on the bench discussing his replacement with the last line being "Ron MacLean". The second half opens with Don meeting Ron for the first time.
