Music in Please Like Me

Hi everyone !
I am desperately looking for the music played in the episodes we all enjoyed... Could someone help me ?!
Thanks !


Best bet is to use Shazam if you have an iPhone or iOS device while it's playing. I'm sure Shazam is on other platforms by now, since it's been out for a while. Happy Hunting! :)


Oh Thank you ! I totally forgot Shazam existed !! ...Actually, it worked for the title song, but not for the others...


Hi, perhaps you can help me, cause I am searching the title song from "Please like me" and shaziam didnĀ“t work. So if you already found it perhaps you can send me a link, or the name of the song.... I would really appreciate it.... thanks a lot !
Best regards


it's weird it worked with me... anyway ! The title song is I'll Be Fine by Clairy Browne and the Bangin' Rackettes :)
... And if you have anything that could help me finding some of the other songs, share it ! ...
Especially the song played in Episode 5 just after Rob talked about dealing with a naked homosexual in the bathroom... !


I am so in love with the title/opening song to each episode. I actually dance along each episode.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!"



Seriously. I didn't read the other comments before asking the question.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!"



Thanks for pointing out my error.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!"


The first song that caught my ear was 5, 6, 7, 8 by Steps. They played it in the car and also a disco version the night the gang wore costumes to a disco.


"I am all that has been, and is, and shall be..."
