cooking in the dishwasher?

That's just insane! I think if these people ever get senile, it will be hard to tell.


I think if these people ever get senile, it will be hard to tell.
Congratulations! This is the single BEST line I've ever read on this board.



Aw, thank you! That's the nicest imdb reply I have ever had. :}


Aw, thank you! That's the nicest imdb reply I have ever had. :}
You're welcome, lunabean1978. Seriously, this one sentence:
I think if these people ever get senile, it will be hard to
couldn't be more perfect!



I can't compete with lunabean's comments. Brilliant and funny! I will say that the cooking of lasagna with the dirty dishes was one of the worst things I've seen on this show. First, the psychotic couple with the deranged burial plans. Second, the no toilet paper lady who picked greens in the middle of animal feces for guests to eat. Third the guy who got his wife's anniversary presents from the dumpster and the less than $1 store. Lasagna lady is now fourth!


Since when is a running dishwasher really cheap.Washing dishes in the sink is cheaper.


IF you wash dishes by hand correctly, you use more water and energy than the dishwasher, so it's cheaper in the long run, plus the dishes get sterilized.

Roland, that's a lilac bush!


To my surprise, I learned this too.

Our dishwasher is efficient, using only about 5 gallons of water.

Hand washing was using 4-6 gallons each time.

With the dishwasher we can put several days of dishes in there before running it. We would have used 50-100 gallons on handwashing for the same time period.

Plus all that handwashing causes lots of laundry washing of cloths and towels, and laundry washing uses a lot of water and power.


Actually, I remember there being a fad years ago of steaming/poaching fish in the dishwasher by seasoning it and wrapping it tightly in foil. If you poke around online you'll find several recipes, in fact. I did it a few times myself as a teen just to see how it worked (beautifully, I recall.) It was certainly never encouraged or viewed as a way to save money, however - just a different, interesting way of preparing dinner.

Of course, I haven't yet seen the episode you're all discussing; it may be utterly insane compared to my experience.

The past is now part of my future; the present is well out of hand.


I never tried doing that, but the idea was that the well-wrapped fish was the only thing in the dishwasher. NO other dishes and certainly no dishwashing soap.

The woman with the lasagna was washing other dishes at the same time, and she had to use a lot of foil to protect the lasagna.

Roland, that's a lilac bush!



Ha ha ha! Awesome comment.  

 What would Sgt.Saunders do? 


Many years ago I read about long distance truckers who would put food wrapped tightly in foil in a safe spot in the engine so that it would cook while they drove. They weren't being cheap. They were being resourceful. Cooking in the dishwasher is just stupid.
