Perfect life

What a great life ; she lives on a beautiful ranch, has more than one house on that ranch, and I read that they just bought a couple of buildings to restore. She has a really cool kitchen line that you can get at Walmart. Also everybody looks happy and not one person ever complains about what she serves. Her kids are perfect and she has a great circle of friends. I don't know if this is all done for the show, but what a great life to have.


and she's a big fan of serving fried chicken at picnics! 

🌴"I'm not making art, I'm making sushi." Masaharu Morimoto🌴


I wish I could skidoo into the screen whenever she makes fried chicken !!:)


I could never live "in the middle of nowhere." I'm a suburban near a big city girl.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


I was born and raised in the city, but prefer the country. I'm just seeing that Ree Drummond also homeschools her kids. I'm just baffled at how she manages her time. She homeschools her kids , has a show, and now her Mercantile business, not to mention her work on her Prairie.wish I knew her secret.


The Drummonds are ridiculously wealthy (17th largest private landowners in the U.S. 433,000 acres) Her blog is estimated to bring in $1M yearly in ad revenue alone.

Suffice it to say, she has the resources to hire help that mere mortals don't have. Of course she has employees helping her every step of the way; we just don't see them. It's all part of her facade of perfection.


If they have so much money, why do they make the kids get up at ungodly hours occasionally in freezing cold weather to help them work cattle. They could hire plenty of hands to do that, and I'm sure the workers would love the money.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


If they have so much money, why do they make the kids get up at ungodly hours occasionally in freezing cold weather to help them work cattle.

So they grow up to have a strong work ethic....instead of growing up to be nasty, entitled, spoiled brats. I admire the Drummond family for making these choices, and the kids will be better off in adulthood for it, as well.


Kids can have a strong work ethic without having to herd cattle. My kids are all hard-working adults with good jobs (one is an attorney) and stable, loving marriages, and they've never worked a cow in their lives. At least the three girls (this includes their cousin) shouldn't have had to do this.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)

reply have told us thousands of times on this board how you raised your children differently than the Drummond family did, and how they are so wrong for not following your example.


Jabell -- We've had this discussion before, over and over again. Saying it over and over again did not legitimize your presumptions and your lifestyle for you, jabell at IMDb,'s boards where you plead for your own type of life-style. You just sound like a very old woman who cannot deal with modernity.

Please just stop so you don't look so stupid again and again!


Cristo Bendito, Jabell. You are neither too bright or capable of having children by your own testimony. Be careful, girl, you are on the INTERNET with you your more than useless thoughts, *beep*


I do have children, who have turned out well. And I was bright enough to graduate from a major university. Just because I don't believe in girls doing that kind of work doesn't mean my thoughts are useless either. I'm surprised at Ree, who took ballet for years and planned to go to law school,l for raising her girls the way her husband wanted instead of the way she was raised.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


You have beaten this dead horse mercilessly for years on this board. Great.....your kids turned out fine. Good for you. You're not the only person in the world whose kids turned out fine, and many of them were parented in a completely different way than you did.

Tell us how it is that Ree's kids are maladjusted. They don't appear to be into crime or drugs. They treat their elders with respect. They appear to have a strong sense of family and duty. The oldest just went off to college. What is wrong with this picture? I don't see anything wrong at all....are you seeing something the rest of us are missing?


Just because I don't believe in girls doing that kind of work doesn't mean my thoughts are useless

Maybe not useless but horribly outdated and misogynistic. Girls can work just as hard as boys, women can as well. To say girls shouldn't do "that kind of work" whatever it may be is pigeonholing one sex or another into a set list of approved gender roles.

Also, you need to get over thinking this TELEVISION SHOW is reality. It is a TELEVISION SHOW i am sure most everything we see is a recreation of real events directed to feel as if they are happening organically. We see a very small sliver of the Drummond's actually life. The kids are fine, get over it.


If you've read Ladd's page on Ree's blog then you'd know why they make their children work.
It's to give them structure and responsibilty. Ladd said that he wants his kids learn what life's really about. He wants them to be an asset not a liability. They will grow up and move out eventually and, at least, they will understand how to work hard.
We don't need any more spoiled brats. We don't need anymore Hiltons or Kardashians.
God forbid that Ladd and Ree want to instill a good work ethic into their kids.
If I ever have kids, they WILL have chores, they will get up and go to bed at a decent hour.
If I ever decided to get horses and grow a big garden, you better believe they will help out. Kids need responsibility. They grow up and become responsible adults.
When I was at home, I had a job. A lot of times, I worked double shifts. I had to get up at 5 or 6 am. I worked until 11 pm. But, I worked hard and got my first raise 2 weeks in. I got raises regularly. Why? Because my parents taught me to work. I worked hard, never complained and filled in for the ones that just didn't want to come in. I was the one they always called.
There's nothing wrong with hard work.
When I was in the military. We got up at 4 am. So, getting up early is nothing new.


They want their children to know everything about the family business from the ground up. That's a pretty good idea considering they will more than likely be the ones running it one day. What is so wrong with kids getting up early to work? If the family business was something else, like a car dealership, they would probably be expected to help out there. It just so happens that ranching requires a lot of early mornings and some manual labor. Good for Ladd and Ree for instilling a strong work ethic in their children.


I suspect the perfect-appearing life has been carefully engineered to maximize website hits and sell her products. Negativity doesn't sell. Back when she was first starting her empire, she was not so careful or tactful. She used to referred to her developmentally disabled brother, Mike as "retarded," and vocally defended her right to do so.

I love not having to whip out annoying euphemisms like “Developmentally Disabled” or “Mentally Challenged” or “Intellectually Delayed.” As a blood relative of a retarded person, I’m automatically exempt. I get to say retarded. Retarded.

I have to admit, I sometimes like using the “r” word just to watch people squirm. Sometimes when I’m feeling particularly ornery, if someone in a conversation casually says, “retard” or “retarded”, I put on a dejected face and say, “Um, my brother is retarded. I don’t appreciate that.” I can usually last about 3.2 seconds through the look of terror on their face before I burst out laughing.

References to "retard" or "retarded" have since been removed from her blog. Profit-motive driven decency.


Mentally retarded is actually a term that doctors always applied to these people. It's only in recent years that idiots have insisted that terms like this...which has a meaning that we all understand the moment we hear replaced by ridiculous phrases like "mentally challenged," which could mean just about anything.


Tell us, Das Kompressor, how did "these people" fare in 1938 when they were being tripped the light fantastic, having a swell ball, with their balls being kicked in by the Kristallnacht extravaganza thugs you seem to like, emulate, and extol?

You do not seem to understand that the psychiatric profession and your apoplectic Mengele inheritors did away with it in the DSM-V and ICD-11, yes? It must be acid in your gall to come to this slow realization that you are not liked or even "understood."


What a retarded response, but I'll just consider the source.



Oh, sorry,again Kompressor that so many of your fables are demonstrably true in your country over and over again.

We still love you b/c you give us so much to amuse


It seems the "Only In Russia site" has stopped providing videos of so many life and death situations in their own vaunted and protected country where young people have incredibly egregiously long life spans!


Hello Mssr. Kompressor_Fan & other impressed sorts!

How is your own fascism BS on a stick going? Nice to see you keep it up everywhere you "see" it.

Please keep trying as you will give.


I love watching "The Pioneer Woman" but no one's perfect. No marriage is perfect. It's hard work. No one should be put on a pedastal because, as humans, we will disappoint you.
But, of course, they aren't going to show them in any disagreements or any fights. I wouldn't want to watch that.
But, you only see a little glimpse into their lives from her show or blog.
They won't share 100% of their lives. They shouldn't. I don't think everything they do is our business. Just because they are on TV doesn't mean we need to know everything.
I've seen ridiculous hate blogs. These people watch her religiously then go into their blog and nit pick everything, from her hair, her clothes and food. It's all negative. I will give them credit for one thing: they leave the kids out if it.
But, they keep her ratings up. Ratings don't distinguish between like or dislike. And, their blog does the exact opposite. Their blog made 5 more fans of Ree. My mom and I watch the Pioneer Woman every Saturday.
Some people even bash her because they can't live her life. Or she has money and her dad is a doctor.
Come on, if you fell in love with a man who happens to be rich, you wouldn't say no. Who would?
There was one woman on Goodreads that gave her cookbook 1 star but her review was all about how she hated Ree and the fact she married a man with a lot $$.
That is just sour grapes.
But, remember, there is no such thing as perfect.


👍 Well said, bug76
