about the ending

the ending seems to be pretty shocking, can anyone spoil me?


The older brother plans to run away (from memory) and he tells his little brother that he wants to kill his parents. The little brother plans to stop him but he kills his dad with a shovel and then in the house and the little brother has to watch his mother get raped and murdered while he's tied up in a bedroom. After his parents are all dead the brother comes back fully nude in a bloody gas mask and has a breakdown. After that the little brother has his final narration talking about how he doesn't know if anyone notices that his parents are dead and that he isn't at school and if he has any time left. The film ends on a camera shot of the little brother on a bloody bed tied up with his parents hacked up bodies next to him (which was sweet).

Derek's 19 personalities eat you alive while raving about art house cinema.


The little brother never watched the Mother get raped or murdered. Well unless you seen A totally different version than I have. Everything went on in the little brothers room(Which we never get to see), while the kid was tied up and gagged in the older brothers bed. You heard the Dad in the room screaming as the older brother raped and murdered his own Mother, then he killed the Dad after it was all done. The Brother walks in and has the speech with the younger brother, then walks out the door nude after the cut scene. The kid goes into A Narrative, and you see the headless, eyeless heads of his parents propped next to the Gagged up and tied up little brother.
