Who cares

I don't know if the show is real or not.
I think it's a little of half and half. I think that some of the dialog is scripted, but I also believe that the restaurants that call MD do so because they have legit problems and want help.

But at the end of the day we don't know and can't know, but who cares?
Why does it matter if it's real or not? Why not just enjoy the show for what it is?

Or if you don't like the show and you hate it's concept, don't watch it. There are tons of shows that I despise and wish never existed but you don't see me gripping on about how much I hate them, why? Because I don't torture myself by watching them.

You hate this show? That's fine. Think it's stupid and a waste of air space? That's your opinion and your welcome to it.

Is it real? Who knows!
But real or not I find the show very entertaining and continue to enjoy watching it and hope to do so for a long time.


Actually, we DO know. There have been numerous news articles about restaurants that have been approached by MD and they've turned them down. For instance, there was an episode in which a BBQ joint supposedly called MD because their secret BBQ sauce recipe was stolen. Well, the original restaurant they contacted with the storyline turned them down because they felt it was dishonest. A competing restaurant took MD up on the offer. In other words: MD wrote the storyline before they approached restaurants to be on the show.


I agree! It's just supposed to be entertaining. The people on here complaining about it being fake are probably the same people who go to magic shows and ruin all the fun for everyone by trying to prove that magic isn't real. Duh it's not real! Entertainment doesn't have to be real. That's exactly how it is with this show. Those same people come on here after watching an episode and try to expose every little plot hole they noticed to ruin the fun for everyone else. Most people already know it's fake, you didn't have to waste your time trying to convince everyone of what we already know. They're really here to ruin the experience for people who didn't realize that what they were watching was a scripted reality show. They get some kind of gratification by ruining the entertainment for these people. So who cares if it's fake? TV shows are made to be entertaining, no one would watch them if they weren't.



Umm no. They try to act like this show is real but a 5 year old can tell its so fake.


It's a fake show . Bad actors too.


You're kidding right? It's absolutely fake.

If you enjoy it though, more power to ya. Nothing wrong with that at all and if people are giving you grief about it, ignore 'em!


I'm sick and tired of this "if you don't like it, don't watch it" defense on everything. Cable is friggin expensive, filled with unwatchable crap. When even more condescending bull gets piled on each and every network, you better believe i'm going to complain. What the hell are we paying for?




So you watch a show you hate? Get Netflix and stfu


Awesome point. Why clutter up my expensive programming with crap and try to pawn it off as "real"? Stiles has the personality of a wet noodle.


Then get rid of cable and get Netflix, Hulu, or buy ur *beep* on ITUNES. If u don't like it don't watch it is not a defense, its more like No one other then yourself is making u watch it, so if you don't like it don't watch it. Weather it's fake or not (which btw we all know it's fake) it's called ENTERTAINMENT. And by u watching the show u hate so much only helps their ratings to keep it on the air longer.


I don't know if the show is real or not
Seriously? It's literally the fakest thing ever.

It's entertaining because of how brazenly fake and contrived it is.

Salter you can paint your AUssie...you are a joke - Matty1933


I was on the show when my restaurant of occupation was featured in MD and it's 100% fake.
