MovieChat Forums > Osombie (2013) Discussion > horrible, horrible movie

horrible, horrible movie

You look at the "reviews" and posts on this board. Pretty much every single thing that was written about this movie before August was pure praise.

The typical points we see all over imdb, written by people working for marketing firms hired.

- Amazing amazing amazing everything
- couldn't get enough of it
- watched it more than once
- will buy it on DVD (of course!)
- Can't wait to see what "these guys" will do next!
- writers did a great job


Then as soon as the movie becomes available for the general public, i.e. mid august, the real reviews come out. Overwhelmingly negative.

I'm so sick of this fake review crap. People end up having high expectations for a crappy film.

I know it's low budget, and you may even say it was over-exited family members of people involved in the movie that posted the reviews but for the love of god stop it.

Why don't we ever see the director, or producer or actor post a topic? Say who you are, be honest, frank. Trust me, that would make a huge difference. People would get involved, ask questions and go out and support you.

As it stand now, you're just a bunch of scammers trying to trick people into paying for garbage when they expect gold. No better than viagra spam.


dude, it's called "osombie". nobody thinks that it's actually a good movie.


^hahaha exactly!!!

I remember when I first came across Netflix.

From the title alone I knew I wouldn't be seeing some Shawshank Redemption Oscar winning material here.

Although it's definitely not a movie to be taken seriously, it's interesting to read the more serious opinions/reviews regarding movies like this.


It's actually great little movie. The only thing I think they should skip was a terrible cgi in the end(planes,choppers - you know). Other than that - I had a great fun. Well acted(especially when you notice that those people don't have a much experience) and a makeup was superb! I'm sick and tired of zombie films with a bad/no makeup, where the living dead looks like a guy next door, just with a small amount of blood on his face.
