Stuart Murdoch Cameo?

During the tub scene where all the guys are lined up outside, there's a fellow with long hair and sunglasses at the end of the line. Just as he starts to take the shades off, the camera cuts out. Something struck me as somewhat peculiar about this, so I rewound and watched again. I'm half convinced that was the director himself under a wig and dark glasses. Anyone else see that guy? I don't see any reference to a cameo online. What's the consensus? Wishful thinking perhaps or have I discovered a secret cameo?

The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.


It probably was. If you look closely again, you'll notice that Hannah Murray (Cassie) was also dressed up as a guy in that scene and was standing in line. ;)

"gonna find myself somewhere to level out"
