MovieChat Forums > Self/less (2015) Discussion > This film felt so realistic. Will this s...

This film felt so realistic. Will this stuff ever be possible?

The b.s. the doctor gave felt so real. The way they handled the whole situation felt so real. I felt like I was watching a movie based on a true story.


I disagree and it was also the problem for me. The movie felt so dumbed down, there was hardly any science behind the medical stuff that were happening. It felt more like sci fi to me.


Well, it was a scifi movie, not a medical drama. So no wonder it "feels more like sci fi".

At least to me only one mention of magnets gave something to start moving forward with. I'm pretty sure the movie supposes brains as a electromagnetic phenomena and probably transferring the conciousness and data involves some sort of very detailed "overwriting" / re-programming of the other body's electromagnetic field in the brains. Ref.

And no, it's not valid to start proving or pointing out how this would be impossible. Because yeah, it is sci fi and as of today (and with our current tech, science etc.) it is impossible.


It worked on me!


> The b.s. the doctor gave felt so real.

Really? The only explanation the doctor gave for how all this worked was "magnets". I guess you don't need more than that, but I do.

I mean, c'mon. How is it remotely possible to transfer the thoughts and knowledge from one brain to another? Give me any valid theory.

Okay, maybe surgery. Transplant the entire physical brain into another body. I can see that happening some day, but we aren't very close now.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I should have explained myself better. I meant to say that the doctor saying the bodies were genetically grown. While in reality they were stolen.

I actually thought that it would be a brain transplant as well. That would be possible. But then there would be no story.

Han Solo dies in Star Wars 7.


> I meant to say that the doctor saying the bodies were genetically grown. While in reality they were stolen.

Okay, maybe. I can see growing a human body in a tank -- human bodies grow all around us every day. But, it seems that no one has figured out how to create even a one-celled being from scratch. The best we can do is using existing living material and manipulate it. Unfortunately, if someone grows a body with a brain already in it, that body will have a soul and it would be murder to kill it.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Okay, maybe. I can see growing a human body in a tank -- human bodies grow all around us every day. But, it seems that no one has figured out how to create even a one-celled being from scratch. The best we can do is using existing living material and manipulate it.
There are probably already black op programs using artificial wombs. If you think about it, they aren't that hard to make. Just grown an embryo and keep it alive. Like people keep coma patients alive. I imagine they don't do that in the open because it is inhumane and illegal.

If someone grows a body with a brain already in it, that body will have a soul and it would be murder to kill it.
I don't really believe in souls. Maybe you mean consciousness?

Han Solo dies in Star Wars 7.


> Just grown an embryo and keep it alive.

I'm that it could be. But, we are talking about growing a body from scratch; from a vat of water and salt and sugar. Your embryo had to come from somewhere and that somewhere was from a man and a woman. As that embryo grows, it will grow a brain and that brain will have a consciousness. Then it becomes murder if you replace that consciousness with that of a paying customer.

> I don't really believe in souls. Maybe you mean consciousness?

Most literature considers them to be the same thing.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I don't really believe in souls. Maybe you mean consciousness?
Maybe they meant what they said and don't feel the need to conform to your beliefs.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Bing agreed with me you fool!


OOooo! Another name calling 10 year old.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


You look foolish though. You thought you were agreeing with him, but he didn't agree with you.


Hahahaha! Who looks foolish? I didn't even state a position. The other poster said something and then YOU tried to tell him/her what YOU wanted them to mean. All I said (try to keep up) was that maybe they meant exactly what they said, not what you wanted them to have said.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Lol That is your best attempt at trying to save yourself? I am disappointed :P


Save myself from what? Please explain.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


You clearly lost the argument. Then you tried to redeem yourself. It didn't go as you planned though.


First, that is in no way an explanation.

Second, I think you are having a logic problem if you think I "lost" the argument. Let's break it down to a very simple level:

A poster stated something.
You said that maybe he meant something else.
I said that maybe what he meant was just what he stated.

Please clue me in to how I would be wrong saying this.

Whether he agreed with you or didn't is irrelevant to my statement. I never said what he did or didn't mean. Did you notice the word "maybe" in my post?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


That is your best argument? You should have said, "whether he did or didn't." Since you used the word "maybe," it makes you seem like a loser.


I don't know why you keep coming back. I have CLEARLY illustrated that it is YOU who is the "loser" of the argument. You haven't even refuted it.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I feel that you should owe me an apology.


For what, pray tell? You called me a fool so if anyone "owes" an apology, it would be you.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


That isn't very nice of you. You wouldn't like me when I am angry.

Han Solo dies in Star Wars 7.


Lol!! What makes you think I'd like you either way? What is your point anyway? You somehow think that you can call ME names but want an apology (for what?) from me?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Who are you that you think you can act like a loser and not be put in your place?


Ok. So you've gone from being proven wrong to just outright trolling. Unless you have anything of value to say or a point to make, I will no longer respond.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Nice question dodge. But you ignored the fact that you had it coming.

Scientists have recently discovered the oldest living a.i. chatbot to have ever existed.


This B.S. also felt real when the original doctor described to the original patient (Rock Hudson) in the original film Seconds (1966) by the original director John Frankenheimer and now in the non-original remake Self/Less 2015 by a no longer original director Tarsem Singh!




It wasnt realistic, but i guess a layman that does not know how human brains work may think like that (which is fine, nobody knows everything). I do hope one day we can transfer our conciuosness into either organic or robotic bodies and evade physical death. Though i would prefer it not be done by robbing other people of their lives.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I heard they might end up curing old age.


There are some scientists that theorized how to do that, but there is no significant advances there as far as i know.

Resistance is impolite, Friendship is mandatory.


Maybe one day.. maybe... They say the body is only 10 years old at any given time, even among the elderly.


Our cells are in constant flux. they die, are born and change. Most of our cells are changing rather rapidly. For example on your skin youll be hard pressed to find a cell over a year old. However there are parts that do not regrow, such as brain tissue.

Resistance is impolite, Friendship is mandatory.


However there are parts that do not regrow, such as brain tissue.
I didn't know that. It might cause some problems with looking for the cure to old age.
