
Anybody notice that these titles are similar in theme (body switching, a somewhat vague connection) and use of "/" to highlight the wordplay?

I'm not expecting these movies to have anything else in common, but I had to ask.


It's like face/off mixed with that one Twilight Zone episode.


Read altered carbon by Richard Morgan.


The themes are completely different and the title play can easily be shrugged off as a coincidence.

When the stars are the only things we share
Will you be there?

-Benjamin Francis Leftwich


No, the themes are quite similar and the title an obvious reference..just that Self/Less is the much waeker film...


How are they anything alike? A cop and a villain switch faces while a dying billionaire is implanted into a newer and younger body.

The title is just a coincidence, if it can even be called that.

Rip-off hunting is so pathetic.

When the stars are the only things we share
Will you be there?

-Benjamin Francis Leftwich


Self/Less could refer to the self that your old self in implanted into is less than your original self.

That's the way I see it as.

What starts with 'F' and ends with 'uck'?
Firetruck, you pervert!


Yeah...I'm sure the writers of Self/Less never even heard of Face/Off...

I'm sure you haven't even seen the film while I have, so calm down...this is not Rip-off hunting it's just stating the obvious...that doesn't mean that the two story lines are identical just that they share certain ideas and concepts, thats all...


Yeah...I'm sure the writers of Self/Less never even heard of Face/Off...

I'm sure they've heard of a lot of completely unrelated movies.

I'm sure you haven't even seen the film while I have, so calm down...

Which film?

this is not Rip-off hunting it's just stating the obvious...that doesn't mean that the two story lines are identical just that they share certain ideas and concepts, thats all...

Like what???

When the stars are the only things we share
Will you be there?

-Benjamin Francis Leftwich


Darling, you're obviously a bit of a moron, so I'll leave it at saying: Just wait for the reviews which will certainly reference Face/Off and also Universal Soldier....


Wow you're a pain in the ass. Isnt it *beep* obvious that face/off and face/less share somwhat of the same concept: different identities.

Its like super *beep* obvious. Do you have Down syndrome or are you always this obnoxious?


Or self/off HAHA




Yes, you are right Face/Off and Self/Less do share the commonality of both having the "/" symbol in their respective names and they both feature someone having a different identity. However that is where the commonalities end.

Spoiler Alert

In Face/Off there is no switching of bodies, just faces through plastic surgery. Both characters are in their original bodies.

In Self/Less there is an old guy that has his personality transferred through a scientific method and it results in two personalities within the same body. The old guy's original has no personality in it.

If I were to liken Self/Less to any movie, i would say that it is a re-imagining of Down to Earth starring Chris Rock: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0231775/. Where the powers behind the change are changed from the heavens, to an earthbound engine. Except of course that in that movie there is a single personality in the body.


Possible Spoiler:

Except that in your Spoiler Alert, the Chris Rock movie you mentioned was actually a remake of the movie Heaven Can Wait(1978), which was itself a remake of the 1941 Here Comes Mr. Jordan, which was based on a 1930's play called Heaven Can Wait. The Chris Rock vehicle took it's name from the essential sequel to the 40's movie, Down To Earth.

Difference I see in these movies is that Down To Earth/Heaven Can Wait incorporates "Divine intervention", whereas both Face/Off and Self/Less *use humanly scientific and medical knowledge. Self/Less is easily compared to the Star Trek TOS episode "Turnabout Intruder" though.


It's funny that critics hated Self/less but loved Face/Off, I believe they said that it wasted an interesting science fiction premise and turned it into an action film, hilariously hypocritical as Face/Off is a much more cliched action film and wastes its premise much more, in my opinion, it is also a much worse film. Face/Off was overlong, sometimes unintentionally hilarious, and when it tried to be dramatic, it came off to be so cheesy that you can make a pizza with it. I don't hate Face/Off but I don't understand its praise, the action was decent, Travolta was good as was Cage when he wasn't screaming DIEEEE! Hard Target is a much better John Woo film.

I loved Self/less, great dramatic performances by Reynolds and Kingsley, more interesting premise than Face/Off, it's the body and mind not the face and mind. It had a much better ending, it was a much more powerful film, pacing was much better in my opinion. Just an overall better film.


try freejack or sixth day
both are better than this one


Personally, I was thinking of the Heinlein novel "I Will Fear no Evil".

As that great philosopher Bugs Bunny said, "Something tells me I shoulda stood in bed."


kudos to you, i just read the synopsis and my eyes flicked straight to my bookself :)


Reminds me of the outstanding 1966 film, "Seconds".



I was thinking Nip/Tuck when I saw the title.


How about "All of Me" or, even, going weay back, the "Topper" books and movies?


It made me think of the Tales From The Crypt episode "The Switch":


"Stwike him, Centuwion ... vewy Wuffwy!"


I liked it better when it was released as RoboCop.


hollywood has not much left in the hand with its perspective. its ok today same scene from difrent point but l dont think it ll be ok next time


yep !
totally agreed , except the switch-maching is in the vilain-side !
and there is no switching, just a transfert !
