Noooo smoking!

Everyone who knows about Walt Disney knows he was a chain smoker. Yes They gave a hint in one scene. How hypocritical! Tom Hanks doesn't want to smoke...the scene in the lounge in the early '60's where everyone is getting boozed up and not one person with a cigarette is so corny fake.

They allow an alcoholic that is destroying his family putting whisky to his lips and have a child deliver him alcohol....but noooo smoking!

If you are going to have a "period film" do it correctly.

The author is a total bi*** about a screenplay based on her book made into a movie that had her pet peeves, yet Tom Hanks is doing exactly the same! I know this was a high budget film with great actors; missing the basics ruins things.


No. The author was not a bitch. She was totally right. I am on her side 100%. Disney tricked her and lied to her. The books were not meant for children. They were to honor her father. All Disney cared about was money and the title seemed good to him. Hell, he originally didn't even know Mary Poppins came to save the father. Not the children. I know eventually he gets it, but still. Disney was a trickster to get what he wanted.


It would have gotten an R rating if there were any more smoking than there already was. They addressed it the best they could with his explaining that he didn't want to be seen smoking.


Not can watch many PBS ( Public Broadcast System--USA) movies or documentaries with smoking all over the place that are family shows and properly rated. If you don't want to see a person smoke hide your family in the basement. It is happening and has happened, get over it.


They should have at least used fake cigarettes.


Tom Hanks doesn't want to smoke

Actually Hanks lobbied to have the movie show that Disney was a chain smoker but Disney's on screen smoking ban, which began under CEO Bob Iger in 2007, won the day.

"Nothing is more ill bred than trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog."


I believe that. I think he should have dropped out before accepting the character. Disney is strange in what they allow.


No, he went with the compromise. Disney wanted no reference to smoking at all, Hanks said they shouldn't avoid it altogether as Walt was a heavy smoker. In the end they compromised, which is what adults do unless they're members of Congress.

"Nothing is more ill bred than trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog."


I don't like to give up , but believe it happened in that way. Thanks.
