Will it ruin it?


Will watching 'Saving Mr. Banks' ruin watching 'Mary Poppins'?

I don't want to ruin watching one of, in my opinion, one of the greatest films ever made.


I'm just so glad Maria Rainer [Von-Trapp] was more happy to work with the film 'Sound of Music'.


Oh, no...it wont ruin it at all. Its like finding out more stories about a dear old friend.


No. When I previewed Saving Mr. Banks (via a D23 invitation), the theater showed Mary Poppins directly after it.

I think Saving Mr. Banks may have enhanced the viewing of Mary Poppins, since you got to start picking out the small details between both films.


No. Much of the film is fictionalized and characters are made better/worse than they were in real life. This is nothing more than a story to be taken with a grain of salt. Most of the bad stuff comes from the butthurt mind of Richard Sherman who painted Travers as a monster, even though almost everyone else's accounts of her and actual audio of their sessions shows that she really was not as bad as he wants people to believe.


I have not seen Mary Poppins (1964) and, frankly, Saving Mr Banks did not create any desire in me to watch Mary Poppins. Seems like one of those cheesy 50s-60s musicals.


^You are missing out



I have not seen Mary Poppins (1964) and, frankly, Saving Mr Banks did not create any desire in me to watch Mary Poppins. Seems like one of those cheesy 50s-60s musicals.

If for no other reason, Mary Poppins is worth a try just because it's the first screen performance for the glorious Julie Andrews, and an Oscar-winning performance at that. The music is great too, my favorite being Chim Chim Cheree. I'm guilty of not having seen it in years, but now that I just saw Saving Mr. Banks I think it's time to give it another look.

To the OP, I'm wondering if I'll be seeing it in a different light and with a tinge of sadness now that I know some of the back story of Mrs. Travers and her father.


If anything it'll galvanize your opinion of how Disney turned a halfway forgettable book by a despicable, hateful woman into a timeless thing of joy.


If anything I think that the popularity of 'Mary Poppins has increased since this was made. I always like to see classic songs being shown at their composing stage in movies like this.


Greenbudgie,I love your name and also love the photo
