
Jane Got a Gun isn’t going to reinvent the western. It can’t even say that it’s the first western to feature a strong female lead, as Sam Raimi had beaten them to the punch with his ludicrous The Quick and the Dead back in ’95. Stories of the film’s complicated production have likely overshadowed whatever the finished product might have been capable of, but it would be a shame to outright dismiss it. A collection of great performances and an admirable and unlikely directorial confidence from Gavin O’Connor do make it a film that’s certainly worth seeing. Had the original vision been brought to life by its original director, who knows how the final product would have looked–but as it stands, the vision that exists ain’t half bad. This blu-ray release offers fantastic PQ and AQ, but with no special features in sight (no surprise, given the situation). See it and make up your own mind: good on its own, or good because it could have been so much worse?
