movie looks like $hit

natalie portman cant hold an accent

lame generic story

cringeworthy attempts at intimidation by natalie portman

everyone else looks boring



Don't insult videogames like that.
If this were a game I wouldn't play it.


Yep, also one of the worst trailers I've ever seen


wow u must not seen many trailers.. this movie looks exactly what i expected a western with some good action that will most likely only happen in the last 30 minutes, and pretty much saying Natalie Portman can't act im guessing u have not seen the professional one of the greatest assassin movie of all time and she was either 13 or 14 when she played Matilda.


So which one of your relatives is in the film that you have to lie about it for them?


Charlesbeutt, I've read several of your reviews (after I saw the review you left panning Deadpool as being "typical Hollywood emasculation of White men"; I'll admit, my curiosity was piqued) and I'm just bewildered by all the venomous vitriol, hate, and conspiratorial "thinking" spilling forth from your fingers. You believe that Zionists and atheists are attempting to destroy the Christian-American way of life and that you're actually under threat of being exterminated, that rampant feminism and "PC culture" are undermining "traditional male roles" in society (so that children, especially little boys, can be raised by single mothers and thus further "feminized"), that interracial relationships and homosexuals are destroying traditional family values, that violence by Muslims in America against Christians is under-reported in favour of reporting on violence by Whites, that the Mainstream Media is conspiring to silence dissenting opinions (like yours) and the "truth", SJW, ChemTrails, Vaccines, fake moon landing, the towers fell faster than freefall, sheeple, etcetera, etcetera....

Only, when you wrote all of this you put it much less succinctly and intelligently, and with far more spelling errors (I guess that over time your spittle has clogged your keyboard, and that it's also quite slippery, so you may inadvertently be hitting the wrong keys). Whatever small truths there are or may be in what you're writing is obfuscated by all the crazy.

It's insane to me that you couldn't enjoy Deadpool because you thought it was too PC... Wow, just, wow....

You're voting for Trump, aren't you?

something terribly clever.


Haha you can tell he's a troll when he gives a Danny trejo film a 5/10 and then give deadpool/ force awakens a 1/10


The guy really is a pathetic nutjob. You should read a couple of his film reviews; it's bizarre, the way this kid thinks.

Again, can't stress this enough: thought Deadpool was too PC!!

something terribly clever.


I think this is a great line in force awakens review (young untrained 90lbs weaking woman beating a man. (JJ Abrams is Jewish so the bad guy's lightsaber looks like a cross).


Yep. I saw that. Crazy and stupid just go together so well.

something terribly clever.


I was wondering about her accent during the trailer as well at first I thought she was just going with a standard American accent but then at the end there's the clear southern accent at the end.



could ask u the same thing with the *beep* u seem to give high ratings too


Trailer looks decent although the title of the film really is uninspired crap.


Just watched really isn't that bad while it's not the best movie i have seen was still enjoyable for a film that the only real action start's about 50 minutes into it, quite like 3:10 to yuma just not as good story or as good of a movie as whole but if u like a western with good actors and not too slow, its a great one to watch easy 6/10


I liked it, and it wasn't that bad of a film.

The Divine Genealogy Goddess
