Good solid western

Saw this today and enjoyed it. It's a good, solid, old-fashioned western made by somebody who obviously understands the traditions and conventions of a proper western, and praise the lord, there is very little background music, which I hate,unless it adds to the movie, like LOTR or The House of Flying Daggers-2 movies that show how it should really be done.

Don't believe all the negative rubbish being posted on here-mostly by people who haven't even seen it- it's a pretty OK way of spending an hour and a half or so in a movie theatre.

Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say he will not become a dragon.


very true, the only thing i had about was the fact that it pretty much started like a full action film but after that the next 50 minutes was all a build up to it, where they could of started up with the build up, but still a solid film, but too be fair i would like anything with natalie portman in




I agree with you and Moviemadness2015 both.

It's a good solid western. I went in with low expectations and, was pleasantly surprised.

The beginning kinda had me yearning for more action. A scene of Dan Frost during the war would have been nice.

Overall it was good. I'm giving it a 7/10


Pretty underrated. Decent story, very good acting.
