Rachel is NOT Mormon!

Ugh, every review of this film states that Rachel is Mormon:

Variety - "The tale of a young Mormon girl".
Indiewire - "The story of a young Mormon girl"

Even the Vimeo page with the trailer on it says: "Rachel, a young Mormon girl from a fundamentalist Utah community." This info Implies that she is a Mormon girl who lives in a fundamentalist community.

It should read "The story of a young fundamentalist Mormon girl". Fundamentalist Mormons and Mormons are not the same. At least be specific. Anyway, just thought I'd say something.


What are the differences between both ??


Is it the same as regular fundementalist religious types and non-fundementalist religious types?


The writer-director says the community is fundamentalist Mormon. How would you know they're not? From the snippets of religious dialogue, I didn't pick up anything that would indicate Mormon beliefs rather than orthodox (small O) Christian beliefs, but then I can get a long way talking to Mormons without picking up the differences.


How is a Fundamentalist Mormon not a Mormon? That's like saying a black cat is not a cat.

If it isn't a subset of "Mormon", why use "Mormon" in the title?


Ummm you are kindof wrong. Rachel is a Morman... Whilst not all Mormans are fundamentalist, ALL Fundamentalist Mormans are Morman... anyway you spin it, she is Morman.

At least they said she was from a Fundamentalist community thus drawing a distinction between the two. But the difference is the faction, both are Morman so the description is true.

You might not like it but it happens to be true.


Alright, so I am a Mormon (spelled Mormon not morman) and I want to clarify that Mormon communities like the one this girl is from don't exist. The closest thing to them are polygamist communities that are offshoots of the original Mormon church but in no way affiliated with it. It would be like saying that the Amish are fundamentalist Catholics. So... It's a wildly inaccurate picture of Mormon life.


The are Mormon, just like no one disputes the Amish are Christian. Maybe it's open to question whether you are Mormon: you should call yourself something else, how about Mittenite?


any Mormon is a moron so why the *beep* should we care what type she is


We don't get to choose who shares our faith.

Ever heard of the "No true Scotsman fallacy"? It refers to a Scot hearing about another Scot doing something lousy and so he declares "No true Scotsman would..."

LDS is just another branch of the Mormon faith; I don't see why they should be the only ones who get to call themselves Mormon.

I am an atheist but I can't declare Stalin not to be an atheist because I don't like what he stands for.

Then again I do understand that it must be frustrating for you that there is widespread conflation between LDS and these extremist polygamous sects.



A Mormon is someone who believes Joseph Smith to be a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.

Whether or not someone belongs to the LDS church, the RLDS church, with the Strangites or with the Bickertonites, or belong to polygamy-practicing sects, they're a Mormon no matter what. They each believe they belong to Christ's church in which Joseph restored. Who's to say what's "official"? It's open to interpretation and individual belief. Just because the LDS church is the most successful and well-known does not automatically make it the "official" Mormon church.

I am a proud member of the LDS church, by the way, and wouldn't trade it up for anything, but my fellow LDS members need to have more respect for the diversity of traditions within the entire Mormon faith.

--Kai Gorbahn--


She's Very obviously Mormon. Just because you're not as extreme as her family doesn't make her not Mormon. She's still Mormon, just more extreme than you're used to. But it's still honest to goodness, special-devil-protecting-underwear, God-has-a-planet-named-Kolob, reading-God's-law-out-of-a-hat Mormonism.

If you don't like the fundamentalists of your religion, you should take another look at the fundamentals of your religion.

I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool.


Can we just agree that for everyone who is all bent up about this movie and who calls who what that it's a work of fiction?


Being an ex mormon myself, this is not an accurate display of Mormonism. It could be the director is just using a hyperbole to illustrate the extreme difference betweent the conservative lifestyle and the lifestyle outside of the church. These people are some strange mix of Amish with mormon beliefs. Fiction yes but accurate at all? Not really, once again I am an ex mormon, I was a "member" for 21 years.
