We need this...

Ok, they've completed 4 seasons of Rescue Bots. Great simple show, when I have it on with my wife in the room... she can seriously suck all the fun and humor out of a room... (I married her why?) Anyway... I was thinking they should either try a few episodes live action or make a live action movie during the events of Season 3 or 4 (oh anytime!). Preferably season 4. The voice actors couldn't actually play the parts perfectly... well, maybe Geordi LaForge could, give him a wig! ;P But I'd love to see Decepticons actually show up, maybe partner with Morocco (or someone else) and cause a little havoc. Where a high tech island would actually tease other 'transformers' to take notice. Or cause all of the split up bots to come BACK together and force the decepticons off the island. But as simple a show as it is... a live action variation could be done easily... and with less than a dozen CGI characters... could still look good too. What happened to the 3 protoforms that Blurr and the others in Maine during the singing episode go anyway? I don't remember... anyway, a live action version or movie SHOULD be in the works! We don't need no stinkin' Michael Bays to make a great movie with 'splosions and bad language everywhere...

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!
