MovieChat Forums > Masters of Sex (2013) Discussion > In what season do you think the 80's wi...

In what season do you think the 80's will start

Maybe 6th season??? I don't know how far the time jump will be in season 4

80's is one of my fav deacades for film, TV, Music, Technology, Computer consoles/PC's etc



They're barely into the 70's right now, and honestly the show is in danger of not having a fifth season. :/


Ah ok as us Brits got the first 2 season on UK TV, But the third season is very much delayed and has been since last year which is very annoying

I got the last two on DVD as really enjoyed them so will get the 3rd season on DVD as it is out

What makes you think they are in danger of not having a fifth season??? -Don't say that :-[

Where you from?


Delays like this are exactly why I get my US TV by 'other means'. You just can't rely on the UK to keep any kind of reasonable schedule, never mind the show staying on the same channel. It's not so bad if it's one of the big shows on a main Sky channel but after that....who knows.
I started Supernatural 3 or 4 seasons in after seeing a random episode late one night. That show has had more delays, timeslots and channels than anything else.

It also means that I see that episodes the day after the US and I don't get spoiled in forums/headlines by what is considered 'old news'.


Yea I don't blame you for doing that, I stopped watching Supernatural 2 seasons ago I think they are just milking it now- With comedy maybe yeah but not for a show like this

MOS Should go on till when DR Masters stops in the early 90's think it was 93, What other TV shows do you watch?


Not to justify my actions but Sky is still paid for in the household, the full package (although I personally don't watch it), so it's not like anyone is losing out financially. I also skip adverts so they aren't losing anything either. The only show I watch 'live' is Doctor Who and that's on the no advert BBC.

I still like Supernatural and especially the interplay between the main cast, but it has gone on too long. They simply can't match what went on in seasons 1-5. I've bought those 5 sets but I won't be buying anymore, even though there are some great episodes. The main (and original) story finished at the end of season 5 and that's enough for me. Cut Sam's reappearance out and you have a damn fine series end.
I've always said that shows should finish by season 7 at the latest. Earlier if the plot dictates it. Anything over 4 or 5 seasons is a good run IMO.

Thrones (of course), Doctor Who (lifelong fan since the 70's), POI, Orphan Black, iZombie, Fargo, Sherlock, Man In The High Castle, The Path, Walking Dead (it's time to finish this one), Shameless (this one too), Last Man On Earth, pretty much all the 'superhero' style shows although Arrow is really boring me these days.
There's more I'm sure but that's enough for now. I just started watching Preacher as well which has potential.

What about you, what do you watch?


I don't think they're going to do a season five even. My guess is they're going to fly through the late 1960s and 1970s for the majority of season four and the series finale will be the ultimate time jump episode, covering the 1980s through the 2000s.


AHHHHHHH what makes you say that as well, That is 2 people now saying that on this post

I just thought they could do at least do a 6/7 episode arc of the 198O's from 8O-89, That decade was unique- Such a good decade for film, TV, Music, Technology, Toys, etc

Would be silly if they go through to the 2OOO's, I thought this would go up to when they stopped doing the trails about sex/communication......Or do you mean they will show it up until his death in 2OO1??


The ratings in the U.S. have dropped significantly since the first season. Meanwhile, Ray Donovan (the show that airs alongside Masters) has pretty much the same ratings from its first season.

When I said I meant go through the 2000s, I meant like the ending, showing them in their elderly years, around when they died.


Oh right well the viewing figures when it was on show in the UK, First 2 seasons did really well....We are still waiting for the third season which was mean't to be out last year

I got the first 2 on DVD so will get the third one as already been out for a while now

I mean 4 seasons is a very good run anyway, Just because of the story they got to cover I think 5/6 seasons would be the ideal length

Yea William Died Feb 2OO1 + Virginia died in July 2O13


From what I have read now season 4 will still be in the 6O's, But then through the course of the season jump in to the 7O's

So the 8O's should be in Season 5 right, Like still be in the 7O's at start of 5th season then Time jump a year or two later like 1981 and then go through the other parts of the decade
