Dr Emily rocks!

Man she is a cool chick! First working so physically pulling calves while 9 months pregnant, taking rumen in the mouth from a goat, then tonight's episode she brings a giant mucous like polyp from a horses nose back to the clinic to dissect it!

First I commend her for having scientific curiosity to want to investigate it beyond her job...she just wanted to know what it consisted of...then says to the camera, "I don't know what I was hoping to find, maybe a giant grub! That would have been awesome"...this is tough, country lady!

Love this show and doc emily!


We're wondering if her hubby is 'Mr. Mom'.

BOHICA America!


I really like her, she has a great sense of humor and fits well on tv.


I like her too and I wouldn't mind having her as a vet for my animals.



The she and the clinic would be great and all if they learned to do pin surgery for broken parts. I have seen so many amputations when all they needed was a few pins. I love the show but seriously can't do pins and turn animals away cause the client can't afford it. She did it in season 7 because the family couldn't afford the caesarean section.
