why can't I play as a girl?

Let me just start off by saying this game is amazing as is, but as a girl I feel like the game might be a little better if I could play as a girl. I understand that the girls ar portrayed as back stabbing, gossiping, butt munches but maybe the female character could be a tomboy. I would just like to end this by saying that im still gonna play the game this is just a suggestion, so if you reply don't get all defensive and start saying things like "girls shouldn't play this game" or "if it bothers you that much then don't play the game"


It's just how 4th grade is. Cartman would never recruit a girl off the bat to play dungeons and dragons or any of his games. Not sexist... Well... sexist of the kids if they weren't kids... Honest of Matt and Trey.


The funny thing is Cartman wouldn't normally recruit a Jew or ginger kid. Kinda creates a plot hole.


Not a major spoiler but it's fairly important to the plot that you aren't a girl.


As a long time gamer girl since the Atari 2600, I too wish we could play as our own sex.

LOL Unfortunately, even after we put our name in Cartman will always call us douchebag. Has anyone chosen "yes" after he asks if that's your name? Or is it the same as saying "no"?


Same as saying no.


Thanks. I was curious about that.

I'm enjoying the game so far, and loving the conversations in the game between us and the characters.

There are a lot of funny comments, I loved the early game ones:

*Choosing to talk to Cartman's mom (after her greeting everyone at first) and Cartman goes "Don't talk to her, she's not part of the game!" Hah, I got her as a friend.

*If you click on Stan's closet door, we hear a voice saying "I'm not coming out!" LOL Guess who!

*The aliens!


Actually if you say "yes" you earn an achievement for accepting your destiny. Otherwise it's the same though.

"Reality continues to ruin my life."


I play video games too, and the sex doesn't really matter. Besides we can always resort to being a tranny.


normally I'd say character creation should be as open as possible, but in the case of Stick of Truth I think it would've been very difficult to make the plot work with a female option. it's a safe bet that there'll be a sequel though, so maybe that will have a story which works for either gender

"I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me..."


because nobody can fart on a girls balls... ever thought of that?


because nobody can fart on a girls balls... ever thought of that?

A dragonborn can fart on a princesses balls.


Actually I've hit three girls in the balls. It was near the beginning before recruiting Craig, Token and Tweet.

It was brutal.


You don't really wanna fart as a girl, do ya?


I think if there was a girl option, they'd have the ability to queef (sp?) on their opponent. I'm kind of surprised Matt and Trey didn't add the female option so they could get away with that on top of everything else the game gets away with.

"Without management, there is only chaos."
"Can we try the chaos thing?"


I'm sure they considered. There was an episode about how men are generally offended by the idea of queefing. Come to think about it, I only knew about "queef" after watching that episode. I'm so imcomplete.


Girls fart all the time


TSOT is a game that makes fun of every race, religion, gender, etc. Not being able to play as a girl should not of come by surprise granted the show has 0 main female characters. So you should not be offended, because did you really come into this game expecting to play as a girl?


Not trying to be sexist or anything, but too much can't be done if the New Kid were a girl. But I think that's part of the reason why they threw in the girl dress up part, so you could still design and play as a "female" character for a little bit.
