MovieChat Forums > I Declare War (2014) Discussion > A film with a serious identity crisis

A film with a serious identity crisis

WHO exactly is this movie meant for? 12 year old boys? With all the F-bombs, violence, racism and lack of any morality? No, I don't think so.
Is the movie for adults? I don't think any adult could stand to watch this.
I Declare War is a real mess. There's no story structure at all. What is the resolution? What's the conclusion?
Who were we meant to route for? The characters were so muddled.
Two characters actually SWITCHED personalities half way through the film!? The kid who finds the stick - he was overly talkative, annoying, and very eager to please. The chubby kid with him was very gruff, bossy, and all business.
Then at some point they switched characters. The chubby kid became all chatty, asking permission to do things, while his friend was making decisions and telling him what to do.
Aside from the Asian kid who was just tortured through the entire film, all the characters were completely unlikable.
I could go on and on but I wont. This film is just plain bad.


You sound like my father.

Not everything has to have moral value or likable characters (take some mob movies, for instance, which still manage to be called classics). Mad Max didn't have much structure either, but look at how it's considered these days. Sometimes muddled characters are interesting.

Perhaps I've gone the wrong way, going down the 'comparison' route in this argument. I haven't seen this movie myself but a lot of your complaints sounded a little too familiar. Also, swear words never killed anyone.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."


it's for adults who obviously had a more exciting childhood than you did.
