Major flaws

The scene where the electrician follows her to the university to kill her. He fights the guard and erases the footage right there at the guard station. No guard station anywhere would allow you to access video footage right there at the station. They have secure rooms that hold the recordings.

The ending fell flat when the one doctor just openly blurted out the whole scheme. Oh by the way I know where DR Wheeler is, she is at. Why would he just offer this information to end the whole movie.


Yeah, I was a bit disappointed with how it was executed with him randomly setting her free and letting the other doctor know where she was at. I was interested to see why he suddenly defected from his original purpose, since he seemed pretty adamant to be a part of the whole scheme throughout.


I think setting up Dr. Stark's "accident" was the last straw for him. By that point, he saw that the "ethics committee" would go to any lengths to acquire their perfect patients for their studies. Who was to say he wouldn't be next? Even though Dr. Stark opposed what was going on, was it really that hard to believe that the committee wouldn't go even one step further and vote for one of their own to "accidently" go into a coma?

He was afraid for his life, and knew Susan had the goods. Better let her go, and make himself at least somewhat look like a good guy in all of this mess.

<sniff> <sniff>
I smell ice cream!


when she first signed in the guard was a black man but two seconds later when Arno came to the desk he was an older white man,


AtlantaTV, I think that guard was a White guy all the time, I think the lighting just made him look like he was black. Maybe he had a slight tan to him but I don't think they were different actors.

Thousands die every day for no reason at all, where's your bleeding heart for them?


I agree. All facilities that have security cameras send their footage to a secure server either on or off site. These servers would require at least a supervisory login with a password to turn off cameras and delete any footage. Plus this would be a red flag for any security auditor that something happened at this building that someone didn't want a recording of.
