I don't get it

Ok so I just watched this miniseries in full and I'm beyond confused. I didn't read the book so I honestly had no idea what this was going to be about when I started watching.


Ok so what I don't get is the entire purpose of Geena Davis' patient. Why was he stalking her? What did that have to do with anything? How/Why so many people were involved? How did this go on for years with no one noticing? What was with the babies? Seriously, it ended and all I felt was really confused.

Help anyone?


1) Davis's patient. He was there solely as a gimmick to provide a physical threat to break up the conspiracy monotony. He served no actual purpose to the story. His stalking was because he was clearly a psychopath, but again nothing to do with anything.

2) There is no answer to how so many people were involved and how it happened for so many years without something falling apart sooner. This was a massive plot hole plain and simple. Could it be explained with effort? Probably, but it would have to be an explanation created out of whole cloth by the viewers, as there was never any indication whatsoever as to how this vast conspiracy existed so readily.

3) The implication was they were experimenting on the babies as well.




Well the book and the mini-series were vastly different to a point. The book was mostly about the ethics of organ donation and stealing others organs. The mini-series went into new territories with using coma patients as test subjects or gene therapies and impregnating comatose women to breed a clutch of babies, who would be put into comas and researched upon or used for stem cells. The man (Peter Arno) was a patient of Dr. Lindquist that she manipulated into doing nefarious deeds whenever she wanted to remain uninvolved. I think the medicine she was giving him exacerbated his psychosis and made him compliant to her wishes. All good consipiracies (which this basic story is taken from)involve complex chains of inviduals so that would explain why there were so many people involved. Once you have someone on your side then keeping the conspiracy hidden and going is pretty easy, especially when you have enough money to create a facility like The Jefferson Institute and the privacy that it maintains.

Thousands die every day for no reason at all, where's your bleeding heart for them?



No plotholes just use your imagination. They used the dead "patients" to harvast organs at the end. Massive money to be made as showed the cheque to one of the deceased patients of 350.000$. And the coma-mother's nurses at jefferson were speaking with an eastern-european accent. Very creepy indeed.

What I didn't get was at the very end. Was it all really just a dream ?

Obama proves Mankind descended from Sheep not Ape


Why would they pay anything to the families who thought their loved ones were in a "normal" medical facility (albeit specialized in caring for comatose patients) and the organ harvesting was the big secret? Surely handing out checks for hundreds of thousands of dollars for each patient would be a dead giveaway that something fishy is going on at that place?


1.) The patient in question was her attack-dog. She medicated and manipulated him to do her bidding. Been doing so for years.

2.) There is really no excuse for all the people involved. Far too many people to keep it secret. Not very easy to swallow this part.

3.) As far as the babies go, the old woman was barren. She thought of all the babies they were breeding in the comatos women as her own. She told the whole story. Remember the pregnant women?

Fak u Dolan..............Gooby pls


They were breeding the babies for the stem cells from umbilical cords, as mentioned by Richard Dreyfuss near the end. Just thought I'd clarify one of the original questions that didn't get clarified. What they were doing with the babies after they were born is another plot hole.


I presumed the OP was assking about the way the old lady was going on about her "babies".

I thought the reason for the babies was so obvious that even the OP would get it.

Fak u Dolan..............Gooby pls


The 1978 movie is much better and, if memory serves, sticks closer to the book.


They were breeding the babies for the stem cells from umbilical cords, as mentioned by Richard Dreyfuss near the end. Just thought I'd clarify one of the original questions that didn't get clarified. What they were doing with the babies after they were born is another plot hole."

They didn't explicitly say it but they probably were experimenting on the babies much like the adults and then using their tissues when they were no longer "viable".

Thousands die every day for no reason at all, where's your bleeding heart for them?


This is very bad


Even if there is not a state of the art coma facility like the one in this movie, believe it or not, "Coma" is partially based in truth. It was updated to incorporate current technology, and perhaps current conspiracies.

Organ donation is a huge money making industry, and so is international trafficking of fetal body parts, hence the push for partial birth abortion where they can harvest the organs from not dead yet babies (20/20 did a show on this a few years ago). And there is quite a lot of evidence that points to patients being declared dead before they've actually died. There is a price list of all the baby parts on the Internet.

Partial birth abortion, after all, is a difficult procedure that involves turning the fetus in the womb and removing it feet first. This complicates the abortion and therefore poses more risk to the mother. So why do abortionists do it? Fetal tissue parts. Quite simply, if you want an intact brain, spinal cord, or limbs, partial birth abortion will provide that in ways that other abortion techniques will not.

Also, the elite sector of our society is very interested in transhumanism, that is, creating Nietzsche's "overman" which explains the part about using human beings as lab rats for furthering genetic engineering and stem cell research. Also, there is a real life conspiracy that claims the satanic ruling class impregnates women (of course, poverty stricken ones who would never be missed) to breed babies for either sacrifice or research or for whatever barbaric reason.

Like someone else said, all conspiracies are layered, involving complex chains of individuals, most of which who have no idea what's going on and in our compartmentalized and conditioned/brainwashed society, that's not so hard to believe. Only a chosen few placed in key positions need know, and hey may not know the entire story, which explains all the people "involved".

Most of our institutions were created by the wealthy and powerful who really do want to cull the herd, while at the same time, increase their knowledge of how to extend their lives for as long as possible. And why not? If you had all that money and power, life is probably pretty pretty good. In the eyes of the all powerful, the masses are nothing more than lab rats.


I would *love* to see some evidence for that "partial birth abortion" information (and please, from a nonpartisan source). Of course, it's a complete load of b.s., which is why you didn't reference any sources.



There are certain clues that led me to believe Arno has been one of the Jefferson patients who escaped. He had dreams of these endless trees and told Wheeler "You'll end up in Jefferson too". In the end, after Wheeler's escape and she was in the hospital bed, she started to have dream as well, being under endless water.


I think Geena Davis knew that her patient was potentially dangerous all along. His initial victim happened to be very similar to 'Susan Wheeler,' so when he saw her around the hospital it sparked off his murderous inclinations again. Geena Davis was like Dreyfuss & the others - playing God with mental illnesses that can prove dangerous on one side, and 'harvesting' body parts from healthy patients on the other.
At least that's my theory - not that it's worth more than a few minutes thinking about. The whole thing was just terrible. What if the visiting relatives of the Jefferson patients turned back the bedclothes and discovered that the comatose patients were sprayed silver? I'm sure the Michael Douglas version has got to be better than this farrago of nonsense.
