MovieChat Forums > Mockingbird Lane (2012) Discussion > Write-in campaign to save MOCKINGBIRD LA...

Write-in campaign to save MOCKINGBIRD LANE.


Star Trek was originally going to be cancelled, and a letter-writing campaign by fans was what saved it. And look at what it is today! All I ask is that each of you writes 5 letters demanding more Mockingbird Lane. Include your age so that they know the demographic they are reaching!

THIS WILL WORK IF WE ALL PULL TOGETHER. SPREAD THIS INFO! It is much easier to ignore what is online than it is to ignore 5000 letters flooding your business offices.

NBC Television Network
30 Rockefeller Plz
New York, NY 10020


Heh. Star Trek was in another world, dude. Could have happened on another planet for all the difference it makes. Networks cancel shows before they even air now. They have focus groups, Nielsen ratings overnight, live data analysis, 20 different kinds of competition, ad buyers who pay through the nose for decreasing audiences... once it's done, it's done.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
