Addams Family

Yes I know there's a similar thread but it's been taken over by trolls and is full of abuse,

I felt this was a fresh take on The Munsters but I couldnt see myself getting a feeling for the characters as I did with Gwynne, Lewis & De Carlo.

It felt too much like it was copying the Addams Family. Anyone else get an 'Addams vibe'?

And if, you know, your's enough to make your heart go whoooooahh



There were just a couple scenes where a few people in my house wanted to hear Herman's take on "Cara mia". When I said "this isn't the Addams Family", that's when it stopped.

I'm an instant star; just add water and stir~David Bowie


Marilyn was acting and talking like Anjelica Hustons Morticia while the annoying little kid playing Eddie seemed to trying to be a male Wednesday .

And if, you know, your's enough to make your heart go whoooooahh


I liked that aspect of it.
Face it, James. Munsters has been redone if feel on any number of Halloween episodes of tv shows. Any number of scary movies aimed at kids has copied The Munsters.
And frankly, as a child I watched both, but Munsters was Gilligan's Island. Cheap humor. Addams Family is the one that stayed with me. Addams Family was cool & classy. The Addams Family followed the beat of their own drum while The Munsters was any number of sitcom families with monsters for the family members. They sort of fit into society. The Addams Family did not & they reveled in that difference.

And what I REALLY don't get is we saw all these shows & turned out pretty much ok. Addams Family, Munsters, Gilligan's Island, Petticoat Junction, Mayberry RFD, My Mother the Car, Captain Nice, It's About Time, Wild Wild West, Batman, Star Trek. We watched these "violent" or "warped" shows & we became productive adults.
Honestly? I read there were groups that protested these shows. One group called Nafbrat railed against a bunch of shows as being unfit for kids such as the double-meaning suggestive humor of Addams Family. As a teen reading about it, I thought they had to be crazy because I watched Addams Family & remembered no suggestive humor-
Then I saw it as an adult. I was shocked. It all went over my head when I was 5-6 watching the show.

So if the complaint is this version made the Munsters too dark?

Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense-R.Frost


Let me get this straight. You liked the fact that they rebooted The Munsters into a show that seemed like more of a modern re-telling of The Addams Family, a show that was its rival and not at all similar? I'm so confuuuuuused.


Yes, nunnehickc
Munsters was fine in the 60's, but it was never cool.
It was basically a family comedy like The Cosby Show for its day. We have family comedies.

Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense-R.Frost


I think any comparison to the Addams Family is superficial

The Addams family acted the way they did because they wanted to. Their free spirited zest for life literally gave them their immortality. Their reactionwith the rest of society was confusion as to why 'normal society' held back and hence either got characters hurt or were killed by Addams antics.

Here, the Munster family knows its at odds with societyand is trying to balance the fact that they're human eating monsters, while at the same trying to enjoy the conventions of modern society. They know they have to kill to survive, but they also want to integrate, creating an interesting paradigm.

Mockingbird Lane has its own conventions quite apart from either franchises.


that I see. I can see this being closer to the Addams Family.

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I agree with you. It did seem more Addams family than Munsters. To me the Munsters was your household family that just happened to be monsters. Anytime people got scared it was because they didn't look past the surface of the characters. They all had wacky adventures and were not a real danger to people.

The Addams family on the other hand was okay with people getting hurt or killed and didn't think twice about it.

I really did enjoy the special effects and the actors, but feel it would have worked better with a modern day telling of the Addams Family.

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