This is not fair

Please NBC don't pass on on this show or can some other network pick this show up because i don't think it is very fair that this show is cancelled.


i'm sure the executives read this post and will reconsider. just wait.

"well, stranger. we're feeding them strangers."


I hope so too.


It is very fair.
Create their own show, not try and piggy back of established ones.

Leave Munsters alone.


Nobody wants the old Munsters back. It's been left well enough alone, you moron.

This had far more potential than the tepid original could ever have dreamed of having, given the boring limits of the society it catered to.


Must not have more potential, since "The Munsters", at least got two seasons. This one didn't even get past the pilot.

"I'm in such bad shape, I'm wearing prescription underwear." Phyllis Diller 1917-2012


Because the old people who it catered to still haven't been burried in the ground yet, and their spawn are still around as well. Die already.


Well, you could kill yourself and be rid of us that much sooner and quicker. Efficient, too.

"I'm in such bad shape, I'm wearing prescription underwear." Phyllis Diller 1917-2012
