Nazis at the Center of the Earth?

Glad thats cleared up, I was wondering where theyd all disappeared to

"I'm Brian and so's my wife!"


Oh humanity. I'm not sure if It's possible to get enough drunk to watch this.


After much experimentation with beer, whiskey, vodka and absinthe I can confirm it's possible to get drunk enough to watch anything. You may pass out early on, but the intention is there.


Sign me up if you need guinea pigs for future experiments.

I'm a guinea pig farmer.


A classical two front attack! Space nazis attacking from the moon joined by nazis attacking from the center of the earth!


They all waited for us to see this utter crap of a movie.
OMG it's bad.
Bad acting, bad CGI you name it...


Were you really expecting anything else?


People don't get it that the whole film is meant to be a tongue in cheek comedy, nothing serious whatsoever.

My Identity's been stolen,I'm waiting for another one


Except that its neither tongue in check not a comedy.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


No, they do. There's no law that says those kind of movies can't be as bad any other movies that might take themselves self more seriously.


I say as far as comedy goes that "Iron Sky" is more openly a comedy than this movie. I get the sense that, with this movie, they TRIED to make it serious but were hampered by budget and writing. If there were any real attempts at humor I don't remember them and I saw it just last night. :)


Yeah, I actually did.
I was stupid enough to read a biased review before seeing the actual movie.
That's the main reason I had to react. See, I really appreciate the effort that went into making this movie, I couldn't do any better. But having a friend write your review and have it up trough IMDB is kinda lame.
Ah well, can't win em all. Lesson learned.



Unbelievably, the whole story isn't quite as off-the-wall as it sounds. The Nazi elite were into all kinds of weird arcane ideas, not just The Spear Of Destiny and The Ark Of The Covenant, and one of them was actually that the Earth was hollow and buried in an infinity of rock (which would have probably suited them just fine).

Hollow Earth theories first began in the 18th century but started to get taken seriously (don't ask me why) in the 19th, with several wealthy adventurers searching all over the world for the entrances. Plenty of adventure stories were written using the idea, Jules Verne's Journey To The Centre Of The Earth being just the most famous.

In the 1930s Hitler personally authorised expeditions to countries all over the world, including Antarctica and Tibet, looking for entrances to the hollow Earth, which some theories said contained just huge caves, some said had dinosaurs, and some reckoned contained ancient advanced Aryan civilisations. There is an excellent 5 minute documentary by a real (smirking) American college professor explaining all this at the beginning of the old great 1956 movie The Mole People (starring John Agar).

This idea was still being taken seriously by some people as late as the 70s. I remember a paperback that came out about the same time as Von Daniken, featuring real satellite photos of the Earth's poles. Because satellites in those days didn't quite go over the poles the composite photos had a huge round(ish) holes at each pole, filled in with black, and the author reckoned that these were real holes in the Earth's crust leading to the place where flying saucers came from.

Usually I try to avoid Arseylum pictures like gonorrhea but I'll have to make an exception for this one if I can find it on Lovefilm, now Blockbusters has gone the way of Woolworths.

