This was a comedy right.... ?

As title says...


I thought the beginning and the ending were very funny. Some of the middle was uncomfortable viewing. I'll not say any more as I don't want to spoil the film.

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


Yeah, it was. I wasn't convinced until I saw the titles of his research when he first put them to work, including "baby eating", "13", and the last one I couldn't translate fully. "I love to....."


Right ! just see the Hitler's smile, so ridiculous and funny. hahahaha or when Mengele said "ohh you must be Dr Aaron BLECHMAN !!! hahahaHAha a jew ! that was very funny !


Well, I don't know. I don't really recall any outstanding comedic moments in the writing or anything like that. The effects and the acting were laughable but that seems more a budget and talent thing than trying to be funning.

One thing I thought was funny strange, not funny ha, ha was how that one guy could still be alive after being skinned and losing at least one armed and looked like both legs and how that one girl thought causing an embolism with air bubble (I assume that's what she was doing, not sure) would be less painless that being disintegrated by that Nazi ray gun.
