Periwinkle Inn

I have to ask: Is this stuff for real? Can people this incompetent really exist in the world of hospitality? A hotel that in 2012 DOESN'T TAKE CREDIT CARDS?

I watched the show with my jaw on the floor, not believing that these people could actually be so clueless. Surely some of this stuff was made up for TV. But then I looked at the hotel's actual website, and it appears that everything Anthony saw there was for real; they STILL have everything he complained about on their website (yelling at the guests about payment up front, no credit cards, all the restrictions the hotel places on its guests).

The most hilarious thing is that, while the hotel won't take credit cards during peak season, THEY STILL REQUIRE A CREDIT CARD UPON CHECK-IN!!!

The website also has no pictures of any interior spaces, including rooms. I'd NEVER book a hotel if I couldn't see a picture of the rooms first.

It seems that these people who own this hotel took all the free stuff that Anthony gave them, then ignored everything he told them. I'm a fairly average traveler, although I probably travel more than many people, but I would NEVER stay at this hotel. For one, I'd never stay anywhere that wouldn't take credit cards. I'd never stay somewhere that didn't post photos of rooms on their website. I'd never stay somewhere that had such a dysfunctional website -- under "rates and policies," you can't actually find any room rates! Under "news and promos," there aren't any promotions, just a link to the Travel Channel website where you can find out just how terribly this place has been run in the past.

It just boggles the mind.


Did you see at the end how the owner refused to use the computer system and decided to renovate the newly renovated hotel lobby. I am appalled at how disgustingly this hotel is run. You can tell right away which people actually want help and which ones don't. I travel a lot too and I would NEVER stay here..ever ever ever.


My jaw dropped when I saw that they wanted to renovate Casey's renovation. How clueless is the old lady that she thinks her design (as a 70 year old woman) would be more relevant to guests than the 30 something Casey? The old lady can't even use a computer or comb her hair.


I felt the same after watching this episode. These people (especially the old lady) are stupid and determined to stay that way. They richly deserve to fail.


My wife and I have been frequent visitors to Cape May for well over a decade, and have always stayed in a particular Bed & Breakfast. For years, we have heard horror stories about the Periwinkle from both guests AND locals alike. The question everyone asks is, "How do they manage to stay in business?" Unfortunately, as long as people will accept sub-par treatment in exchange for a vacant room for the night, places like the Periwinkle will continue. You know something's wrong when the Inn still has vacancies IN AUGUST, despite their competition being sold out months in advance; there's a reason for it! Hopefully, the market will force them out and competent people can take over. I've walked around the place and it's a good-looking piece of property. Shame the owners don't give a fig.


If i would be Anthony Melchiorri i just would have turned around and left that craphole. There so much Hotels in dire need why waste time with such imbeciles?
On the other side, since they aired the show somehow the 4 and 5 star reviews at Tripadvisor raised extremely.
Honi soit qui mal y pense.
Nice try morons. kle_Inn-Cape_May_New_Jersey.html


I couldn't stand the owner at all. There was something very "Jersey" about her, the kind of person who gives NJ a bad name. I grew up in New Jersey so I know what I am talking about. The whole time there was a barely suppressed hostility beneath the surface even when she was saying she liked the lobby and the room. Of course now she has undone the makeover of the lobby so she clearly didn't mean anything she said. That kind of person refuses to accept help when it is offered, even when she asked for it herself! I say go ahead and lose your hotel and someone deserving will buy it and turn it into a cash cow.


I couldn't stand the owner at all. There was something very "Jersey" about her, the kind of person who gives NJ a bad name. I grew up in New Jersey so I know what I am talking about. The whole time there was a barely suppressed hostility beneath the surface even when she was saying she liked the lobby and the room. Of course now she has undone the makeover of the lobby so she clearly didn't mean anything she said. That kind of person refuses to accept help when it is offered, even when she asked for it herself! I say go ahead and lose your hotel and someone deserving will buy it and turn it into a cash cow.


I agree. Furthermore, I think they COULD be up to something a little more unscrupulous. By taking nothing but cash, one has to wonder if they are cooking the books to keep their tab to the IRS lower, OR, and this is a stretch, using the hotel as some kind of money laundering scheme. I mean, they build this retarded looking security glass to protect the desk clerk, all because they take in so much cash. That could easily be rectified by not accepting ANY cash. There is SOME reason they want all that cash coming in, and it has NOTHING to do with avoiding credit card fees.


The owner and Cali (from the hotel in New Mexico) would get on famously. I think that they thought Anthony was going to come and gush over them, twink a few corners (with freebies of course) and leave. Your place is going down the plug hole, you invite him to come and help you get back on track and introduce great ideas to make your place a winner. Ungrateful cows. That new lobby at the PI was a breath of fresh air. You felt like you were coming to the seaside, not that terrible frumpy claustrophobic place it was before. It was a waste of time, energy, great talent and money.



If people would stop fraudulently disputing charges just because they want to get things free,that might change.
Until the credit card companies can come up with something punitive when people lie,I can't really blame them for not taking cards.


Credit card companies don't automatically grant chargebacks when a customer initates one.

I own a retail store and I've had a few customers try chargebacks for a variety of reasons, including ruining an item they then tried to return it claiming we sold it to them used but claimed it was new (yes, there are people who are that stupid). There is a good amount of paperwork a business has to submit to the CC processor/bank in answer to a chargeback. Submit all the paperwork and you're fine. I haven't lost one yet.
