Hindu Hilton & Fake GM

What a crock.

The blind owner was faking it pretty bad.

The GM was just a crook.

The brother was another loser.

This hotel looks like a front for money-laundering and organized crime.

It has 200 rooms and 4 employees?

The Hindu owner got the free goodies and then changed everything back to the way it was.

Anthony might as well go shout at a wall. Nobody seems to keep his changes.


Well, for some the hospitality business is a foreign concept! (pun intended)


Over the past 4-5 seasons, it seems like the nastiest hotels are run by people who originated in foreign countries. The Hindus and Pakistanis seem to be at the top of the worst, but close behind are the Asians.


I wonder what made him hire the GM to begin with. A true case of nepotism is my guess.


That blind bastard was only hiring his fellow Hindus for any of the management jobs, and the Americans were used as low-pay labor. AM got him a management team, and the blind Paki got rid of them. He is a racist against Americans.
