MovieChat Forums > Hotel Impossible (2012) Discussion > Almost felt like what some would call di...

Almost felt like what some would call divine retribution

that arrogant ass that cared more about his own ego than the health and welfare of those staying in his hotel died before the episode even aired.


Kind of spooky. The guy was such a nasty dude. He said he was the biggest owner of rental properties in that town, and I have a feeling he was the nastiest slumlord, based on his arrogant and vile attitude.

His brother was not much better, as they basically were running an asylum for fugitives and dope addicts, and charging high rents for awful rooms.

It is shocking to see what slumlords can get away with because they prey on the poor and those who are semi-hiding, or total skid row tenants.


While I don't like what he said to Anthony, I could sort of understand his anger. His complaint was that Anthony characterized him as a guy who didn't care about people at all. I think that's what got him mad, because he said he has helped many people get back up on their feet, long before Anthony and his crew would ever come to this place. For all we know, he really could've been that generous guy who has loaned out money to help down and out people in the area. He may have been doing this for decades.

Anthony, on the other, did have a point in that you cannot just allow anyone on the property, no matter how much you want to help. You can assist people to a certain point, but you do have to draw the line. You can't allow drug addicts and criminals to stay there when families could be right in the next cabin. And when the hotel business is suffering, then what good is helping these few when the hotel will be gone soon?

Earlier in the episode, Anthony was particularly harsh to the lady GM, saying she was completely inept and didn't care about anything either. It was only after learning about her story (how she was new, had a sick child, she gets paid $8.50 an hour and still has to pay rent) did Anthony decide to direct the blame elsewhere.

I love Anthony's swift approach and ability to be that wake-up call, but he can be unjustifiably harsh to people when he doesn't know their full story.


he said he has helped many people get back up on their feet,

Most slumlords think that they are helping people by exploiting them. The GM who was earning $9.50 and paying $1100. rent for her dumpy room was a perfect example of how slumlords help people. They are predators, and usually they are just a step above a pimp or a drug-dealer, and sometimes, they are all three, especially when they run motels in a bad area.


Most slumlords think that they are helping people by exploiting them. The GM who was earning $9.50 and paying $1100. rent for her dumpy room was a perfect example of how slumlords help people. They are predators, and usually they are just a step above a pimp or a drug-dealer, and sometimes, they are all three, especially when they run motels in a bad area.

Well said, truly well said!
If they really wanted to help people they should have run a homeless shelter or a halfway house but not a so called hotel!


I totally agree. Most places like caravan parks etc have a live in staff member, that person usually gets free accommodation on top of a wage. As Anthony said, she is there just about 24/7, was the front line. Poor kid, it wasn't a good environment for her child. The owners were quick to help down and outs but couldn't give a fig for their staff.



I never saw this episode... This was the Country Barn Motel in Nashua, NH.

I didn't know which episode you all were discussing so I googled it, I thought I'd share the info if others wanted to know too.
