The Thunderbird Hotel

Does anybody know if this hotel was destroyed by the fire in Seaside Heights this past Sept????


We can only hope. Bunch of douchbags. 40 million in real estate and looking for a handout.



Don't hold back, Glenn, tell us how you really feel!

Seriously, though, you're not wrong. For this guy to say he's got $40 million in real estate holdings and he's not willing to put any of his precious money into the hotel? What a flipping douche!

Anthony, I believe, really wants to help people who are in trouble and these guys aren't in the kind of trouble he fixes! These owners, and their POS kids, are missing quite a few IQ points, but not much else!

I'm glad Anthony and the show walked away from this hotel. I don't think he could have found a hotel that was less deserving of his help than this one.

"Posters entering a discussion for the purpose of attacking the others are quickly ignored."


I could not believe that these mouthbreathers flat out lied about their situation. First, their hotel was their retirement and they were destitute, forced to live in the rooms that weren't damaged. They even broke out the tears for the cameras. Then it started to unravel.

The entitled pussy son, had little tantrum because Anthony pointed out that he was not capable of running a hotel. Then Sandy Vag1na (the sister) is upset that Anthony did not bow down and worship her God's-gift-to-humanity brother. Finally when the parents stepped in defending their precious snowflakes and started with the "I watch the Sopranos and believe I'm a bad ass gangster" threats, I wanted Anthony to give them the finger as he walked out on their BS opportunistic charade.

When the father admitted to owning lots of real estate worth $40 million (according to him) but didn't want to touch his capital, well, that was the final straw. I'm glad they were exposed as the scam artists they really are. Very proud that Anthony walked away and showed all the footage of their Oscar winning performances.


Too friggin' right! You said this so much better than I ever could have.

I had to laugh at the mafia-like stuff. Do they not realize Anthony is ALSO Italian therefore, unflappable when it comes to stuff like that? Who do these people think they are, for Pete's sake??????

The "Precious snowflakes" is what made me laugh the most!

"Posters entering a discussion for the purpose of attacking the others are quickly ignored."


Well now EW has written up about HI's incident, it much more widely known than the what million of fans the show has. Just think of the revenue lost because of their bad behavior.


Wow those people were turds.

Nothing you said about them is untrue.

I am so glad Anthony dropped them for a better cause.

Fak u Dolan..............Gooby pls




I would have taken an ax to those cabinets before I gave them to those turds.

I would have had bon-fire FFS.

I guess Anthony is a better person that I am. Definitely more patient.

Fak u Dolan..............Gooby pls


I would have recycled the materials and donated it to the kitchen at a homeless shelter or some other charity group.

Thunderbird deserved for the Fire Department guys to have come over and beat the crap out of the son and his scumbag Dad.


I was really happy that Anthony went and helped three other hotel families who were very greatfull and very nice people plus the firemen, who deserved recognition. The community also had a win win with the lovely beach play ground.

As for the clots, well they got their just deserts. "I don't want you making my son look like an idiot". Honey, he didn't need any help. He didn't have the guts to talk to Anthony himself and let his sister (plus his parents) fight his battle. Actually there was a very tell tale situation when Ray Snr told Anthony that he had to make sure everything was even amongst the kids so it didn't look like he was favouring anybody. Seems like he knew his children. Also the very fact that Ray Jnr was swanning around saying his was GM when his father told Anthony that he was hiring a new GM in a couple of weeks. Something was rotten in the State of Denmark.



The Thunderbird owners probably STARTED the fire.


Motel owners feel 'Punk'd' by 'Hotel Impossible'


Did he not watch the show before agreeing to be on it? If he watched it he knew Anthony was not going to take him by the hand and give him lollipops. It has to be interesting for tv duh!
