What scares me about Moe

He mentioned in an early episode he was a podiatrist. It turns out he really is.


But several times I've seen him holding things and his hands visibly shake. There's no way I'd let him near my feet with a scalpel.

Hurricane Hunters - We fly into the storm because it's a ton of fun!


Yeah, I wondered if the guy had an alcohol problem or some disease.


Yeah, I felt bad because that mean she may be developing Parkinson's...good luck Moe! Hope you don't.


Besides looking like a crazy pedo with Groucho Marx glasses on?


you never know he may have moved to a more consulting/diagnosing side of the business


My thoughts exactly. I wouldn't let Shaky get anywhere near me with a scalpel.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


It could be worse .....he could be a moyel


I knew I had a reason to be worried about Moe. Maybe it is Parkinson or Familiar Tremor...which can be even worse then Parkinson's.
