F-U Kenny

You fat, redneck, P.O.S.! Getting in a kid's face like your somebody? It would've been a great early X-Mas gift to see Vic kick the sh!t out of your ugly, annoying a$$. Who likes this guy and why is he still on the show? It's unbelievable someone so fat and disgusting can be so arrogant. Get him off the show... at least the others bring some humor and a little personality while this clown just bring sweat and yellow teeth. And getting a bat out of your van? Weak sauce! "King of the lockers"? More like 'King of the Buffet'.

Rot, you slob...

Gotta love the kid's name tho... Sonny Monday! Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. LoL


He's the Dave Hester of the show. Someone we love to hate.


My favorite was when they showed him having an auction with 100's of Items he didn't buy from storage lockers(probably consignments, not even his stuff), but acted like the final total was all from that locker.
