No comments? Why not?

I watched this and was fascinated,shocked and a whole host of other reactions.
I would add that for the first time ever I actually had to stop the film in the hunting scene because I thought I was going to be sick.

It was an incredible documentary and congratulations to the makers.

Watch this and try to see 'Knuckles' for another inside view of the male traveller lifestyle and culture.

Well worth the time...and a world away from 'Big fat gypsy wedding' where the men are conspicuously absent.

'Off the record, on the QT, very Hush,Hush!


i think theese people are just sick.


After watching this, I can understand why pubs would close down when there's a gathering of gypsy people coming to town for a wedding or other event. Bloody hell they'll fight over any trivial matter at the drop of a hat. I don't have any sympathy for them at all if this show reflects accurately what's going on in their culture. You can't behave like a savage and expect the general population to cut you some slack. If you want to be treated like an equal then act like one.
