Sean Lowe....WTF???

He is supposed to be such a good Christian but he is by far the most self indulgent, self absorbed and just downright selfish person I have ever seen in my life. He writes his wife a to do list full of things she has to do for him plus a hoard of other things including ironing his pants, ironing his socks (really?? who does irons socks??), laundry, walking the dogs, bathing the dogs, cooking his supper with specific instructions on what to cook and how, wipe down the kitchen and so on. Do other men write to do lists daily for their wives? It seemed like something a mom would do for their children. Does Sean also make her wipe his butt when he uses the restroom?? This guy is pathetic.

And then there's Catherine. Why doesn't she work? She comes across as very needy which is probably why she puts up with Sean. When it came to the rule changes I didn't understand why she made Jason get his chest waxed. I'm thinking maybe she is such a Stepford wife that she wanted to turn Jason into Sean. And wtf was up with the Wrath-erine? Apparently it is something really bad....or so she said (very unconvincingly I might add). I would bet that Molly didn't appreciate the dig Catherine took at her when she said 'I won't be the working mom Molly is because I want to spend a bunch of time with my babies'. It's obvious she is jealous of Molly...she showed it not only with this dig but also when she found out that Sean and Molly went out to a restaurant that she hadn't been to. I would have loved to see the reaction she had when she found out they also went dancing and mechanical bull riding at a bar lol.

Catherine and Sean are incredibly immature and I hope they don't procreate anytime soon....if at all. I can't even imagine how their children would be. And besides, wouldn't having kids take away from Sean's cool image?? I'm not sure who told Sean he was cool but he is the furthest thing from it. Even that ugly car...he lost any cool points he had with the 4 door Porsche lol.

I have to give Jason and Molly a lot of credit for not blowing a gasket and quitting the show with everything they had to put up with.

Eat some makeup because you are really ugly on the inside - Olivia Blois Sharpe



I would love to personally give her a Wrath-erine check LOL. She has no clue what it is to be confronted by someone with a fiery tongue. She is so goody goody...or so she portrays herself....I mean really, what is she going to do...throw some fresh picked flowers at someone or give them the stink eye? Puh-leeze!! Even if she did throw flowers or give the stink eye she would immediately apologize LOLOL.

Eat some makeup because you are really ugly on the inside - Olivia Blois Sharpe



I guess I'm coming in late to this but watched it last night...probably a rerun. Sean is (agreed) over the top about 'everything must be about him'. No one irons socks. Is he just inventing stuff for her to do to keep her busy so she isn't bored? Get a hobby Catherine or go volunteer for something. There's a myriad of places and choices to what you can do in a large city like that! He also seems to want to have her her tied or controlled so she can't reach out and make her own friends and gain something of her own life. He's enabling her to be a spoiled brat housewife. He is too vain and conscious of what others will think of him, not allowing new places and experiences to broaden their horizons. Most people I know go to as many different restaurants as they can...for the experiences and different favors. Watching this has made me a bit angry and dislike him...her too but to a lesser degree.
I think that Jason and Molly have more of a real marriage. Granted they have a child to ground them but they pursue individual as well as together interests. Was so happy to see Jason take C kayaking. Living a life...not just going through the motions.
After all the glorious things they all did on the bachelor you'd think that they'd want some variety in their lives. There's more to life than ground turkey and salad without dressing. Ok. Enough blether.

Be well and be kind


THIS... a thousand times.

I thought this entire show was just a joke. Maybe an experiment in satire.

I just don't believe there are men out there like that. I just don't believe this is real. I can't believe this is real.

People need to actually read the Bible. Vanity is a sin and Sean is nothing, but vain.

I don't know how Catherine puts up with him, but seeing as she is extremely needy and insecure I guess that's the answer.

Waxing his chest? Dear god... I would probably kill myself before that would ever happen.


I just saw this episode the other night and totally agree with you! Sean presents himself as a Christian man, yet he is so self indulgent in himself. As a Christian we should take care of our bodies and be healthy, but his ways are solely for vanity! He uses his "head of household" authority to belittle his wife with lists like iron his socks??? Driving around in his Porsche and only entertaining his ideas of what events and activities he and Catherine partake in shows his self-centeredness.

I felt bad for Catherine until she showed how vain she is by making the other husband wax his chest. Those two are made for each other. But I was really shocked at how he " really" acts.
